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mercoledì 25 marzo 2015

Rating Top 10 players, March 2015 World Tafl Federation

Dal sito della WTF
March 2015

2038    Plantagenêt, Champagne-Ardennes, FR (279)
2032    nath, Berlin, Germany (317)
2002    crust, somerset, UK (2083)
1961    Schachus, Berlin, Germany (78)
1914    duhawk93, , United States (593)
1902    Adam, Tønsberg, Norway (552)
1877    Jurgenson, St. Petersburg, Russia (121)
1852    altti, ny, usa (690)
1807    arne64, Hamburg, Germany (466)
1792    Hagbard, Copenhagen, Danmark (1873)

( i numeri tra parentesi si riferiscono alle partite giocate. NdR )

WCh Women 2015 (3) Sochi: Grande battaglia tra Kosteniuk e Harika

Harika Dronavalli 

Kosteniuk, Alexandra (2529)    --    Harika, Dronavalli (2492)
WCh Women 2015  (3.1)   Sochi
2015.03.23 C18

1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Cc3 Ab4 4.e5 c5 5.a3 Axc3+ 6.bxc3 Ce7 7.h4 Da5 8.Ad2 Da4 9.h5 b6 10.h6 gxh6 11.Cf3 Aa6 12.Th4 Axf1 13.Rxf1 

Cbc6 14.dxc5 Db5+ 15.c4 dxc4 16.De2 Cg6 17.Te4 bxc5 18.Axh6 Td8 19.Dxc4 a6 20.Dxb5 axb5 21.Tb1 b4 22.Tc4 bxa3 23.Txc5 Cge7 24.Ta1 Ta8 25.Cd2 Rd7 26.Cc4 Cd5 27.Tb5 Cd4 28.Txd5+ exd5 29.Cb6+ Re6 30.Cxa8 Txa8 31.c3 Cc6 32.Ac1 a2 33.Re2 Cxe5 34.Rd2 h5 

35.Rc2 Rf5 36.Rb3 Cd3 37.Aa3 Cxf2 38.Txa2 Ce4 39.Te2 Rg4 40.c4 dxc4+ 41.Rxc4 Txa3 42.Txe4+ Rg3 43.Te5 h4 44.Tg5+ Rh2 45.Tg7 Tg3 46.Txf7 Rxg2 47.Td7 Tg4+ 48.Rc3 h3 49.Td2+ Rg3 50.Td3+ Rh4 51.Td2 Tg3+ 52.Rc4 Tg2 53.Td8 h2 54.Rd3 Tg5 0-1

Alexandra Kosteniuk

Harika, Dronavalli (2492)    --    Kosteniuk, Alexandra (2529)
WCh Women 2015  (3.2)   Sochi
2015.03.24   E10

1.d4 Cf6 2.Cf3 e6 3.c4 Cc6 4.a3 d6 5.Cc3 g6 6.g3 Ag7 7.Ag2 O-O 8.O-O Te8 9.e4 e5 10.dxe5 Cxe5 11.Cxe5 Txe5 12.Ae3 a5 13.Ad4 Te8 14.h3 Ae6 15.Cd5 a4 16.Cxf6+ Axf6 17.Tc1 Ta5 18.f4 b6 19.Tf2 h5 20.Tc3 Axd4 21.Dxd4 Tc5 22.Rh2 Dd7 23.Af1 De7 24.Tcf3 Ac8 25.Ad3 Aa6 26.f5 g5 27.f6 De5 28.De3 Ab7 29.h4 Te6 30.hxg5 Axe4 31.Tf4 Axd3 32.Dxd3 Dxg5 33.Df3 Tce5 34.Dg2 Te1 35.Tf5 Dg4 36.T5f4 

Dg6 37.Tf5 Te8 38.Dh3 T8e2 39.Dg2 Txb2 40.Txb2 Dxf5 41.Te2 Tf1 42.Da8+ Rh7 43.Dxa4 Dxf6 44.Dc2+ Rg7 45.Dd2 h4 46.Tg2 Rf8 47.Dd5 hxg3+ 48.Txg3 Dh4+ 49.Th3 Df4+ 50.Tg3 Tf2+ 51.Rh3 Dh6+ 0-1

WCh Women 2015 (3) Sochi - Cramling vs Gunina

La Cramling sgomina una Gunina irriconoscibile nella prima partita e ottiene un'importante patta nella seconda.

Pia Cramling

Cramling, Pia (2495)    --    Gunina, Valentina (2528)
WCh Women 2015  (3.1)   Sochi
2015.03.23  D18

1.Cf3 d5 2.d4 Cf6 3.c4 c6 4.Cc3 dxc4 5.a4 Af5 6.e3 e6 7.Axc4 Ab4 8.O-O O-O 9.Ch4 Cbd7 10.h3 a5 11.Cxf5 exf5 12.Df3 Cb6 13.Ab3 g6 14.g4 fxg4 15.hxg4 De7 16.e4 Axc3 17.bxc3 Cxe4 18.Te1 Tae8 19.Ah6 Cd5 

20.c4 Cdc3 21.c5 Cd5 22.Axf8 Rxf8 23.Axd5 cxd5 24.Df4 Dh4 25.Rg2 h5 26.Th1 Dd8 27.Tab1 Dd7 28.Tb6 Rg8 29.Thb1 Dxa4 30.Txb7 Tf8 31.De5 Dc2 32.T7b2 Dd3 33.Tb8 f6 34.Dxd5+ Rg7 35.T1b7+ Rh6 36.Txf8 f5 37.gxf5 Cg3 38.Th7+ Rg5 39.fxg6+ 1-0

Gunina, Valentina (2528)    --    Cramling, Pia (2495)
WCh Women 2015  (3.2)   Sochi
2015.03.24     1/2-1/2     E32

1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 e6 3.Cc3 Ab4 4.Dc2 O-O 5.a3 Axc3+ 6.Dxc3 d6 7.Ag5 Cbd7 8.e3 b6 9.Cf3 Ab7 10.Cd2 Tc8 11.Ad3 c5 12.O-O h6 13.Ah4 cxd4 14.exd4 b5 15.b3 Db6 16.Db2 bxc4 17.Cxc4 Dc6 18.f3 Aa6 19.Tac1 d5 20.Ce5 Db6 21.Axa6 Dxa6 22.Axf6 Cxf6 23.b4 Db7 24.Tc5 Cd7 25.Cxd7 Dxd7 26.Tfc1 Tb8 27.b5 Tb7 28.Tc6 Dd8 29.Db4 Dh4 30.g3 Dh5 31.Rg2 e5 32.Te1 e4 33.fxe4 dxe4 34.Txe4 Td8 35.Tc5 Dd1 36.d5 Tbd7 37.Dd4 Db3 38.Te5 Dxa3 39.Dc4 Da1 40.Tf5 Db2+ 41.Tf2 De5 42.Te2 Df5 43.Td2 Dg5 44.Td1 Rh7 45.Dd3+ Dg6 46.De3 Db6 47.De4+ Dg6 48.Dc4 Df5 49.Td2 Dg5 50.Dc2+ Dg6 51.Da4 Dg5 52.Dd4 Dg6 53.h4 Td6 54.De5 f6 55.Df4 h5 56.Dc4 Df5 57.Tf2 Dg6 58.Rh2 T8d7 59.Da2 De4 60.Te2 Df5 61.Td2 De4 62.Db3 Td8 63.Tc4 Df5 64.Tf4 Dg6 65.Df3 Rg8 66.Tfd4 Tc8 67.Te4 Df7 68.Df5 Tcd8 69.Ted4 Dd7 70.Dxh5 Dxb5 71.Te4 Tf8 72.Te7 Td7 73.Txd7 Dxd7 74.d6 f5 75.Df3 Tf6 76.Dd5+ Rh7 77.De5 f4 78.gxf4 Th6 79.f5 Txh4+ 80.Rg3 Da4 

81.d7 Dg4+ 82.Rf2 Th3 83.Te2 Tf3+ 84.Re1 Db4+ 85.Td2 Db1+ 86.Td1 Tf1+ 

87.Rxf1 Dxd1+ 88.Rf2 Dxd7 89.Re3 Rg8 90.Dc5 Rf7 91.Dc4+ Rf8 92.Re4 De7+ 93.Rf3 Dd7 94.Rf4 Dd6+ 95.Re4 De7+ 96.Rf3 Dd7 97.Db4+ Rf7 98.Rf4 Dc7+ 99.Rg4 Db6 100.Dc4+ Rf8 101.Dc8+ Rf7 102.Dd7+ Rf8 103.Dd3 a5 104.Dc2 Db4+ 105.Rh5 Db6 106.Dc4 Dh6+ 107.Rg4 Db6 108.Dd5 Dg1+ 109.Rf4 Df2+ 110.Re5 De3+ 111.Rd6 Db6+ 112.Rd7 Da7+ 113.Rc8 Da6+ 114.Rc7 Da7+ 115.Rd6 Db6+ 116.Rd7 Da7+ 117.Rd6 1/2-1/2

martedì 24 marzo 2015


El tablut ( anche se il testo che qui presentiamo si intitola Tablut, esso non tratta in specifico del Tablut 9x9 illustrato nella foto, ma dei giochi Tafl in genrale. NdR ) és un joc representatiu de tota una família de jocs de tauler del nord d'Europa, des de Gal·les fins al cercle polar. Aquests jocs tenen tots noms que inclouen, d'una manera o una altra, la paraula tafl, que vol dir «tauler», i possiblement provenen del joc romà ludus latrunculorum.
Tota la família de jocs tafl són asimètrics, on unes forces enemigues intenten capturar un rei, que ha d'intentar escapar. En concret el tablut és propi dels sami de Lapònia i en aquest cas les peces del joc representen l'exèrcit del principat de Moscou que vol atrapar el rei de Suècia. Va ser descrit per Linnaeus l'any 1732, concretament el 20 de juliol, durant una expedició al país dels saami.


El tablut es juga en un tauler quadriculat de nou per nou caselles, amb nou peces per a un jugador (vuit suecs i un rei) i setze per a l'altre (els moscovites). El quadrat central s'anomena konakis i cap peça, tret del rei, hi pot estar, només hi poden passar.
Es comença la partida amb el rei al konakis, els suecs a les vuit caselles marcades al seu voltant i els moscovites a les setze marcades a la perifèria. Els primer a moure són els suecs. Les peces es mouen en línia recta ortogonal tantes caselles buides com es vulgui. Es captura una peça del contrari tot deixant-la entre dues de pròpies. El rei, però, per a ser capturat ha de ser envoltat per tots quatre costats, o per tres si un d'ells és el konakis. Qualsevol peça es pot posar entre dues de contràries sense ser capturada. Si fent un moviment es deixen diverses peces del contrari entre la peça moguda i sengles peces de qui ha mogut, les captura.
Els moscovites guanyen si capturen el rei. Els suecs si aquest aconsegueix arribar a alguna casella de la vora del tauler. Si el rei té un camí lliure cap a la vora del tauler ha d'avisar dient raichi! (sona /ràihi/). Si en té dos (ha guanyat) tuichi! (/twíhi/).


En alguns llocs juguen de manera que el rei només guanya si arriba a una de les quatre cantonades. En altres també pot guanyar si arriba a la vora, però només a les caselles que al principi de la partida no tenien cap moscovita.


El hnefatafl era un joc de tauler saxó, molt popular a l'edat mitjana. Se n'ha trobat un fragment de tauler en una tomba a Wimose, a l'illa de Fiònia, a Dinamarca, de l'edat del ferro (que finalitzà al voltant de l'any 400). D'altra banda, un manuscrit anglès del segle X té un diagrama i unes explicacions del joc, entès com una al·legoria religiosa. Se suposa que es jugaria amb les mateixes regles que el tablut.


El tawlbwrdd és un joc gal·lès mencionat a les lleis d'Howel Dha, el segle X. Se suposa que es jugaria amb les mateixes regles que el tablut.

lunedì 23 marzo 2015

Khotenashvili: il gioco attendista non paga

Zhao, Xue vince agevolmente, fortemente aiutata dal gioco totalmente passivo della rivale.

Zhao, Xue

Zhao, Xue (2527)    --    Khotenashvili, Bela (2513)
WCh Women 2015  (3.1)   Sochi
2015.03.23  D37

1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Cc3 Ae7 4.Cf3 Cf6 5.Af4 O-O 6.e3 Cbd7 7.Dc2 c5 8.Td1 cxd4 9.exd4 dxc4 10.Axc4 Cb6 11.Ab3 Cbd5 12.Ae5 h6 13.O-O b6 14.Axf6 Axf6 15.Cxd5 exd5 16.Ce5 Dd6 17.Tfe1 Ae6 18.Dd3 Axe5 19.Txe5 Tfe8 20.Aa4 Ad7 21.Ac2 g6 22.De3 Txe5 23.dxe5 De6 24.h3 Tc8 25.Ab3 Tc5 26.Dd4 Ac6 27.a3 a5 28.Aa2 a4 29.Rh2 Df5 30.Ab1 De6 31.Te1 Ab5 32.Dd2 Rg7 33.f4 Tc4 34.Df2 Ad7 35.Ad3 Tc5 36.Dg3 Rf8 37.Dh4 Rg7 38.Te3 d4 39.f5 gxf5 40.Dxd4 Td5 41.Df4 Tc5 42.Tg3+ Rh7 43.Dg4 Dg6 44.Dd4 De6  ( ora la chiusa ) 45.Axf5+ 

Dxf5 46.e6 De5 47.Dd3+ 1-0

바둑 : 김지석 vs 탕웨이싱

Sfondamento centrale: Sevian Vs Timman

Samuel Sevian 

Sevian, Samuel (2511)    --    Timman, Jan H (2593)
77th Tata Steel Chess Challengers  (13)   Wijk aan Zee
2015.01.25 B07

1.e4 d6 2.d4 Cf6 3.Cc3 g6 4.Ae3 c6 5.h3 Ag7 6.f4 Db6 7.Dc1 Ca6 8.a3 Da5 9.b4 Dc7 10.Cf3 Ch5 11.Ad3 Cg3 12.Tg1 c5 13.Af2 Ch5 14.g4 Cf6 15.e5 Cd7 16.Cd5 Db8 17.bxc5 dxc5 18.f5 Cc7 19.c4 Cxd5 20.cxd5 cxd4 21.e6 Ce5 22.Ab5+ Rf8 23.Cxd4 h5 24.g5 gxf5 25.Dc2 Dd6 26.Tc1 fxe6 27.Dxc8+ Txc8 28.Txc8+ Rf7 29.dxe6+ Dxe6 30.Cxe6 Cf3+ 31.Rd1 Txc8 32.Tg3 Rxe6 33.Txf3 a6 34.Ad3 Tf8 35.Ac2 Re5 36.Ae1 Rd5 1-0

domenica 22 marzo 2015

Hnefatafl : curious positions 2

Dal sito della Federazione dei giochi Tafl:World Tafl Federation

hnefatafl board 
fairland / animals. 19 moves.

In questa versione di gioco il Re posto al bordo può essere immobilizzato ma non "ucciso"

hnefatafl board
teondrae / crust. 78 moves. Completed.

Assai probabile che si tratti d'una decisione concertata o di una iniziativa del conduttore dei Neri che dopo avere ottenuto una incontrovertibile dominazione delle forze nemiche abbia inteso stigmatizzare il fatto mediante la presente curiosa modalità...

hnefatafl board 
docbullen / crust. 255 moves. 

Questa posizione ci aiuta a tentare di fare luce sul regolamento del tanto in voga Copenhagen Hnefatafl 11x11. Ammesso che le nostre attuali forze lo consentano. Se i due effettivi del  Bianco, circondati e collocati al bordo fossero stati esclusivsmente soldati e il Nero avesse giocato, per completare l'accerchiamento un tratto sulla destra o sulla sinistra del gruppetto, questo sarebbe morto. Si deve prendere in considerazione il fatto che la chiusura dell'accerchiamento non sia stata ultimata  da uno dei due questo caso se abbiamo ben compreso il regolamento la manovra di accerchiamento non comporta la cattura. Ma il gruppo potrebbe essere vivo semplicemente per il fatto che il Re posto al bordo può essere immobilizzato ma non "ucciso" e che il soldato amico legato al monarca partecipi di questo fatto. Al momento attuale non siamo in grado di determinare se le cose stiano in questo modo. Riteniamo tuttavia che il regolamento dovrebbe essere più chiaro a riguardo.

hnefatafl board 
Jürgen / seigfried. 103 moves. 

Il Bianco potrà evitare la cattura del proprio Re?.

Per il regolamento a cui si fa riferimento:


Ricordi Scacchistici

sabato 21 marzo 2015

Copenhagen Hnefatafl : An interesting position

Da una partita mmagari (1347) / docbullen (1523) in corso sul sito della World Tafl Federation al Bianco.

Open-air hnefatafl set

Pubblchiamo questa foto di Tim Millar ringraziandolo per la sua cortesia e amabilità. Rportiamo il suo commento alla foto: 

Millar writes:

It's an open-air hnefatafl set at Shave Farm, Somerset, UK. I made it for today's arts festival there; I hope later to get some pics of people playing on this set. 

La foto è tratta dal sito sito della World Tafl Federation
dove è possibile giocare a molteplici varianti di giochi Tafl.

Photo : Tim Millar (crust).

venerdì 20 marzo 2015

La lotta: Gunina vs Girya

Valentina Gunina

Gunina, Valentina (2528)    --    Girya, Olga (2459)
WCh Women 2015  (2.1)   Sochi
2015.03.20 E06

1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 e6 3.Cf3 d5 4.g3 Ae7 5.Ag2 O-O 6.O-O dxc4 7.Dc2 a6 8.Dxc4 b5 9.Dc2 Ab7 10.Ag5 Cbd7 11.Cbd2 Tc8 12.Axf6 Cxf6 13.Cb3 c5 14.dxc5 Ae4 15.Dc3 Ad5 16.Tac1 Axb3 17.Dxb3 Axc5 18.e3 Db6 19.Tc2 Tc7 20.Ce5 Tfc8 21.Td1 g6 22.Tcd2 Ae7 23.g4 ( la battaglia ha inizio ) Tc5 24.Cd3 Tg5 (perfettamente corretta nonostante la posizione insolita della T )

25.h3 h5 26.gxh5 Txh5 27.Cf4 Thc5 28.Cxg6 fxg6 29.Td6 !? ( mostrando ancora una volta il carattere della vera combattente... )

Axd6? ( 29..Dc7 e il N è preferibile ) 30.Dxe6+ Rh7 31.Txd6 Tc1+ ( 31..Da7 teneva ancora ) 32.Rh2 Dc7 33.Dxf6 Tc2 34.Dxg6+ Rh8 35.Dh5+ Rg8 36.Ad5+ Rg7 37.Dh6# 1-0

Marco Gandolfo

Copenhagen Hnefatafl : la Girandola

Photo by Marco Gandolfo

Da una partita mmagari vs Epoc in realizzazione sul sito della World Tafl Federation

giovedì 19 marzo 2015

Dablot Prejjesne

Un doveroso ringraziamento al sito CYNINGSTAN, per averci permesso la pubblicazione del seguente contributo.
Dablot Prejjesne Photograph

Dablot Prejjesne Photograph

Dablot prejjesne is a Sami game from the nineteenth century. It recalls historical struggles between nomadic Sami warriors and Finnish settlers farming the land. One side has a king, prince and warriors, while the other has a landlord, his son and tenant farmers. Despite the differences in names, the sides are completely equal in number and power, making this an even-handed game of war.

History of Dablot Prejjesne

The nomadic Sami people from Lapland have been quite innovative over the centuries when it comes to board games. An example of this is dablot prejjesne, which has some resemblances to other games, but in combining them becomes a pure Sami invention. The game has been in existence since at least 1892, when it appears in a museum catalogue in Stockholm. However, it took until 1973 before it was introduced to English-speaking people by the game historian R. C. Bell. Dablot prejjesne recalls historical struggles between nomadic Sami warriors and Finnish settlers farming the land. One side has a Sami king, prince and warriors, while the other side are known as the landlord, his son, and their tenant farmers. Despite the differences in names the sides are completely equal in number and power, making this an even-handed game of war. A traditional board was made of pine, with the Sami side in yellow and the Finnish side in red.

Rules for Dablot Prejjesne

The dablot prejjesne board set out for play.

The dablot prejjesne board set out for play.

Dablot prejjesne is played by two people on a board of 72 points, arranged as two overlapping grids: one of six rows of five points, and one of five rows of four points, all connected by lines (see the diagram). One side consists of a king, a prince and twenty-eight warriors, while the other has a landlord, his son and twenty-eight tenant farmers.

1. The Sami player’s pieces are set out with the warriors on his back ranks, the prince in front to the right, and the king in front, as shown in the diagram.

2. The Finn’s landlord, son and tenant farmers are set up in the same way at the other end of the board.

3. Players decide at random who is to move first. After each player moves, play passes to his opponent.

4. A player in his turn may move one piece along a marked line in any direction.

5. All pieces have the same power of move.

6. Only one piece at a time may occupy a point on the board.

7. Instead of moving, a piece may capture an enemy by jumping over it and landing on the empty space beyond.

8. Captures in this game are optional; players are never forced to capture.

9. No piece may capture above its station, specifically:
(i). the king and the landlord may capture any enemy;
(ii). the prince and the landlord’s son may capture anything except the king or landlord;
(iii). warriors and farmers may only capture each other.

10. If the piece, having made a capture, is in a position to make further captures, it is free to do so in the same turn.

Ending the Game

11. A player loses the game if he cannot move because:
(i). he has lost all his pieces, or
(ii). he has pieces left but they are surrounded by the enemy and unable to move.
12. A player may resign if he feels his position is hopeless.

13. The game is a draw if only the king and the landlord remain on the board.
Some players have introduced new rules to counter drawish play.

14. Warriors and farmers may only move forward, either directly or diagonally. They may, however, capture in any direction.

15. Captures for warriors and farmers are compulsory, though for pieces of higher station they are still optional.

16. The game can be declared over when the king or landlord is taken, that piece’s owner losing the game.
If rule 16 is not used, it is sometimes possible to beat a player whose most powerful piece remains when yours is lost. Since it is possible to win by immobilising the enemy, minor pieces may block major ones in even if they cannot capture them.

Adams vs Motylev... una difesa interessante

Michael Adams

Adams, Michael (2758)    --    Motylev, Alexander (2682)
Bundesliga 2014-15  (12.1)   Baden-Baden GER
2015.03.14 B10

1.e4 c6 2.Cc3 d5 3.Cf3 Cf6 4.e5 Ce4 5.Ce2 Db6 6.d4 e6 7.Cg3 c5 8.c3 Cc6 9.Ad3 Cxg3 10.hxg3 cxd4 11.cxd4 Ad7 12.Rf1 Ae7 13.g4 Cb4 14.Ab1 Ab5+ 15.Rg1 Da6 16.Ag5 

h6 17.Axe7 Rxe7 18.Dd2 Cc6 19.g5 Ae2 20.gxh6 gxh6 21.Th3 Axf3 22.Txf3 Da4 23.Td3 Da5 24.De3 Tac8 25.a3 Rd7 26.Tb3 Tc7 27.Ad3 Thc8 28.Ab5 a6 29.Axc6+ Rxc6 30.Dxh6 b6 31.Tc1+ Rb7 32.Txc7+ Txc7 33.Tb4 b5 34.g3 Tc2 35.Rg2 Dc7 36.a4 Da5 37.Df8 Dc7 38.axb5 Txf2+ 39.Rxf2 Dc2+ 40.Re3 Dc1+ 41.Rd3 1-0

mercoledì 18 marzo 2015

Sopiko vendetta!

Sopiko  Guramishvili

Guramishvili, Sopiko    --    Javakhishvili, Lela
WCh Women 2015  (1.19)   Sochi RUS
2015.03.18   A41

1.d4 d6 2.Cf3 g6 3.g3 Ag7 4.Ag2 c5 5.O-O cxd4 6.Cxd4 Db6 7.Cb3 Cc6 8.Cc3 Cf6 9.Ag5 Ae6 10.e4 O-O 11.h3 Ce5 12.Ae3 Dd8 13.Cd4 Ad7 14.Cde2 b5 15.a3 a6 16.b3 Dc8 17.g4 Ac6 18.Cd5 Cxd5 19.exd5 Ab7 20.Tc1 Dd8 21.Dd2 Tc8 22.Cd4 

Cd7 23.Tfe1 Cf6 24.c4 bxc4 25.bxc4 Cd7 26.Cb3 Te8 27.Ca5 Aa8 28.Tb1 Cc5 29.Cc6 Dc7 30.Axc5 dxc5 31.Txe7 Txe7 32.d6 Axc6 33.dxc7 Texc7 34.Tb6 Td7 35.De2 Axg2 36.Rxg2 a5 37.Df3 Td2 38.Tb7 Tf8 39.De3 Td4 40.De2 Tf4 41.Rg3 g5 42.h4 h6 43.hxg5 hxg5 44.De7 Af6 45.Dxc5 Td8 46.Tb3 Tdd4 47.f3 Txc4 48.Dxa5 Ta4 49.Tb8+ Rg7 50.Dc5 Ta6 51.Dc8 Rh7 52.Dxa6 Ae5 53.Ta8 Td4+ 54.Rf2 Td2+ 55.Re3 Af4+ 56.Re4 1-0

Xiangqi board

    Xiangqi board Marco Gandolfo 2012

Hnefatafl Shannon

Un doveroso ringraziamento al sito CYNINGSTAN, per averci permesso la pubblicazione del seguente contributo.


Among the companies printing and marketing hnefatafl at the present time, is a company based in Scotland, Shannon Games. Shannon tends to focus on boards playable by children, and it is therefore not surprising that their hnefatafl board game uses the smallest of the boards, if not the simplest of the rules.

Having recently taken delivery of Shannon Games' hnefatafl, I have played it a number of times, enough to consider myself competent enough to give at least a first impression. I will begin with a bit of background, for those who have not the time nor the inclination to research the subject.

Hnefatafl, for those who have not seen it before, is a game created somewhere in Scandinavia, some time in the first millennium. Being of that era, it is without a strong theme, though its mechanics are not so contrived as to prevent a theme being easily pasted on to it. The most common theme, not unexpectedly, is a Viking theme, inspiring the artwork on this particular board.

In hnefatafl a king sits at the centre of a square board, with a number of his men around him. Distributed around the edges of the board are twice their number of enemies. The king must escape from the field of battle, while his enemies try to capture him. Generally, pieces move in straight, orthogonal lines, like a rook in chess, and a piece is captured by surrounding it with two enemies. As those players over the last thousand years left us with incomplete information, the variations within this framework are many, much like the national variations in chess and draughts.

Shannon's hnefatafl is interesting among hnefatafl variants. Usually, the defenders' and attackers' numbers are divisible by four, in order that a four-way symmetry can be used in the layout of the board. This version, however, pits the king and six defenders against twelve attackers, on a board of seven squares by seven. No historical reference or complete archaeological find confirms that this size of game was ever played. It seems to have come into existence from a perception that twenty-five pieces are too many for this small board (a view that I share), while thirteen pieces are too few (a view that I do not).

The twelve attackers are laid out in a vaguely swastika-like layout, while the defenders are laid out in the form of an elongated cross. In this game, the king must reach one of the marked corner squares to win. Movement is as in other versions, that all pieces move like the chess rook. Capture also follows the common pattern, but in both movement and capture it is the subtleties of the rules that define the game.

As is usual, the marked central and corner squares are out of bounds to all pieces but the king. What is unusual is that the central square blocks the way of other pieces: they cannot even pass over it. This serves to hamper the attackers more than the defenders.

Capture in this game follows more strict rules than in other versions. The king must be captured by surrounding him on four squares. Furthermore, he cannot be captured by three attackers against the central square, as in other games. Nor can he be captured against the edge of the board, or against the corner squares. This gives a number of positions where the king is unassailable. My first impression was therefore that the game was going to be in favour of the king to an unplayable degree.

However, it seems that the corner squares cannot even be used to capture ordinary pieces, as in The Viking Game. So in this particular game, the attacker may block the corner squares with eight pieces. In practice, this seldom happens, but the freedom to place one's pieces against the corner squares without making them vulnerable is to the advantage of the attackers, probably more so than to the defenders.
In practice the game appears to be not so unbalanced as I had at first feared. Several test games resulted in an equal number of victories for the attackers as for the king. But this particular ruleset needs, and appears to deserve, further analysis.

There is a class of traditional abstract games which transcends the expectations of the casual board gamer, in which particular attention is paid to quality and weight of the board and pieces. Boards are often or wood or woven cloth, pieces often in glass, carved wood or elaborately-cast resin, and the sheer craftsmanship itself inspires a wish to play. This is not one of those games. The quality of this game is more suited to the expectations of modern themed games. This is not to its detriment; this is not a bad quality game.

The box is of sturdy card, with a picture of the Lewis chess men on one side, and a Viking long boat on the underside. It would perhaps have been better if one of the many Scottish hnefatafl finds had been represented, instead of chess. Scotland boasts a good number of complete or nearly complete finds of hnefatafl boards, mostly using the same size of board as the game inside the box.

Inside the box is a sturdy board of card. It folds into four quarters, allowing it to be packed into the compact (4 inch square) box. The board's backing is of a hardened, textured cloth. The playing area consists of a grid of seven squares by seven, superimposed on a colourful image of invading vikings in their longboats. This picture is deliberately faded so as to give emphasis to the more important square grid. It may be a reproduction of a medieval illumination; if not, it is certainly in the same style.

It is only the pieces that let down the quality of this game. They are of cheap, light plastic. The king is a large, featureless hollow plastic white pawn. The rest of the pieces are of the same light plastic, in the shape of draughtsmen. They even stack like draughtsmen, having a similar circular groove pattern. When packed away, the pieces have a tendency to stack in the supplied plastic bag, preventing the board from closing properly. The playing experience might be improved by substituting coloured glass beads for these pieces.

All in all this is a fair variant of the game of hnefatafl. It it cheaper than the Viking Game, especially if bought through eBay, where the makers market the game at about half the price they charge on their own web site. The rules seem very playable, and the quality of the game, while not comparable to The Viking Game, is sufficient not to impair enjoyment of the game.
Reviewed in 2006 on

Nisipeanu vs Bukavshin

Liviu-Dieter Nisipeanu

Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter (2654)    --    Bukavshin, Ivan (2622)
16th ch-EUR Indiv 2015  (7.6)   Jerusalem ISR
2015.03.03 B48

1.e4 c5 2.Cf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Cxd4 Cc6 5.Cc3 Dc7 6.Ae3 a6 7.Dd2 Ae7 8.O-O-O Cf6 9.f3 b5 10.Rb1 Ce5 11.g4 h6 12.Dg2 b4 13.Ca4 d5 14.f4 

Cexg4 15.Ac1 e5 16.fxe5 Cxe4 17.e6 Cgf2 18.Dxg7 Af6 19.Cb5 Dxc2+ 20.Rxc2 Axg7 21.Cc7+ Re7 22.Cxd5+ Rxe6 23.Ag2 Ae5 24.The1 f5 25.Cc5+ Rf7 26.Cxe4 Cxe4 27.Axe4 fxe4 28.Txe4 Te8 29.Tf1+ Rg6 30.Cf4+ Axf4 31.Texf4 Ah3 32.Tg1+ Rh5 33.Txb4 Te2+ 34.Rb3 Tf8 35.Tg3 Txh2 36.Tb6 Th8 37.Txa6 Ag4 38.Tc3 Af5 39.a4 Rg4 40.Tb6 Ae4 41.Tf6 Te2 42.Ra3 Td8 43.Axh6 Td1 44.Ac1 Ac2 45.Tf4+ Rh5 46.Th3+ Rg6 47.Tg3+ Rh5 48.Tf8 Rh4 49.Tg7 Td3+ 50.Ra2 Ab3+ 51.Ra1 Td5 52.Tf1 Td1 53.Txd1 Axd1 54.a5 Te4 55.Rb1 Ta4 56.Ad2 Ab3 57.Ae1+ Rh5 58.Tb7 Ae6 59.b4 Rg4 60.b5 Rf5 61.b6 Ta3 62.Rc2 Ta2+ 63.Rd3 Re5 64.Te7 Ta3+ 65.Ac3+ Rd5 66.Txe6 Rxe6 67.b7 Tb3 68.a6 Rd7 69.a7 1-0

Battaglia georgiana

Lela Javakhishvili

Javakhishvili Lela    --    Guramishvili, Sopiko
WCh Women 2015  (1.19)   Sochi RUS
2015.03.17 A48

1.d4 Cf6 2.Cf3 g6 3.Ag5 Ag7 4.Cbd2 d5 5.e3 c5 6.c3 O-O 7.Ad3 Cc6 8.dxc5 a5 9.a4 Ag4 10.Db3 e5 11.Dxb7 Ad7 12.e4 Tb8 13.Da6 Dc7 14.Axf6 Ac8 15.Axg7 Rxg7 16.Db5 Ca7 17.Dxb8 Dxb8 18.exd5 Dxb2 19.O-O Dxc3 20.Ac4 Af5 21.Tfc1 Db4 22.Cb3 Te8 23.Cfd2 e4 24.Cf1 Ad7 25.c6 Ac8 26.Cd4 Aa6 27.Cb5 Axb5 28.axb5 Cc8 29.Tab1 Dc5 30.Aa2 

Da3 31.Ac4 Cb6 32.Ce3 f5 33.Af1 De7 34.Td1 Td8 35.Tbc1 Dc7 36.g3 f4 37.gxf4 Dxf4 38.c7 Tf8 39.Tc2 Cc8 40.Ah3 Dg5+ 41.Rh1 Cd6 42.c8=D Cxc8 43.Axc8 Dh4 44.Tdd2 Tf3 45.Te2 Df6 46.Ae6 Dd8 47.Tc6 Dh4 48.Tc7+ Rh8 49.b6 Txe3 50.fxe3 Df6 51.Tf7 1-0

martedì 17 marzo 2015

Standard Top 100 Women March 2015

 Hou, Yifan

 1 Hou, Yifan g CHN 2686 10 1994
 2 Polgar, Judit g HUN 2675 0 1976
 3 Koneru, Humpy g IND 2581 0 1987
 4 Dzagnidze, Nana g GEO 2570 0 1987
 5 Ju, Wenjun g CHN 2557 9 1991
 6 Muzychuk, Anna g UKR 2552 10 1990
 7 Cmilyte, Viktorija g LTU 2530 0 1983
 8 Lagno, Kateryna g RUS 2530 0 1989
 9 Kosteniuk, Alexandra g RUS 2529 0 1984
 10 Gunina, Valentina g RUS 2528 0 1989
 11 Zhao, Xue g CHN 2527 0 1985
 12 Muzychuk, Mariya m UKR 2526 10 1992
 13 Stefanova, Antoaneta g BUL 2522 12 1979
 14 Khotenashvili, Bela g GEO 2513 10 1988
 15 Cramling, Pia g SWE 2495 12 1963
 16 Harika, Dronavalli g IND 2492 10 1991
 17 Ruan, Lufei wg CHN 2491 0 1987
 18 Kosintseva, Nadezhda g RUS 2489 0 1985
 19 Danielian, Elina g ARM 2488 0 1978
 20 Tan, Zhongyi wg CHN 2487 0 1991
 21 Ushenina, Anna g UKR 2486 0 1985
 22 Galliamova, Alisa m RUS 2484 0 1972
 23 Kosintseva, Tatiana g RUS 2483 0 1986
 24 Sebag, Marie g FRA 2482 0 1986
 25 Javakhishvili, Lela m GEO 2481 10 1984
 26 Paehtz, Elisabeth m GER 2479 2 1985
 27 Krush, Irina g USA 2477 10 1983
 28 Zatonskih, Anna m USA 2477 1 1978
 29 Hoang, Thanh Trang g HUN 2475 1 1980
 30 Batsiashvili, Nino m GEO 2475 0 1987
 31 Huang, Qian wg CHN 2473 0 1986
 32 Zhukova, Natalia g UKR 2471 10 1979
 33 Moser, Eva m AUT 2464 1 1982
 34 Socko, Monika g POL 2463 9 1978
 35 Melia, Salome m GEO 2459 10 1987
 36 Girya, Olga wg RUS 2459 0 1991
 37 Shen, Yang m CHN 2459 0 1989
 38 Khurtsidze, Nino m GEO 2457 0 1975
 39 Goryachkina, Aleksandra wg RUS 2456 9 1998
 40 Pogonina, Natalija wg RUS 2456 0 1985
 41 Padmini, Rout wg IND 2454 16 1994
 42 Lei, Tingjie wg CHN 2444 9 1997
 43 Cori T., Deysi wg PER 2444 0 1993
 44 Guo, Qi m CHN 2443 10 1995
 45 Mkrtchian, Lilit m ARM 2443 10 1982
 46 Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina m RUS 2438 0 1974
 47 Kashlinskaya, Alina m RUS 2436 9 1993
 48 Ding, Yixin wg CHN 2434 0 1991
 49 Alexandrova, Olga m ESP 2432 0 1978
 50 Ziaziulkina, Nastassia m BLR 2431 0 1995
 51 Peptan, Corina-Isabela m ROU 2430 0 1978
 52 Munguntuul, Batkhuyag m MGL 2426 9 1987
 53 Turova, Irina m RUS 2426 2 1979
 54 Zawadzka, Jolanta wg POL 2422 0 1987
 55 Skripchenko, Almira m FRA 2421 0 1976
 56 Atalik, Ekaterina m TUR 2419 0 1982
 57 Savina, Anastasia m RUS 2418 3 1992
 58 Sukandar, Irine Kharisma m INA 2415 9 1992
 59 Szczepkowska-Horowska, Karina wg POL 2414 9 1987
 60 Zhu, Chen g QAT 2414 0 1976
 61 Ryjanova, Julia wg RUS 2412 0 1974
 62 Karavade, Eesha m IND 2405 15 1987
 63 Osmak, Iulija wf UKR 2405 9 1998
 64 Majdan-Gajewska, Joanna wg POL 2405 0 1988
 65 Tania, Sachdev m IND 2404 7 1986
 66 Aulia, Medina Warda wg INA 2404 0 1997
 67 Bojkovic, Natasa m SRB 2404 0 1971
 68 Saduakassova, Dinara wg KAZ 2398 9 1996
 69 Videnova, Iva m BUL 2398 7 1987
 70 Rajlich, Iweta m POL 2398 0 1981
 71 Zaiatz, Elena m RUS 2396 0 1969
 72 Daulyte, Deimante m LTU 2395 7 1989
 73 Batchimeg, Tuvshintugs m MGL 2395 0 1986
 74 Matnadze, Ana m ESP 2395 0 1983
 75 Vega Gutierrez, Sabrina m ESP 2395 0 1987
 76 Foisor, Cristina-Adela m ROU 2394 11 1967
 77 L'Ami, Alina m ROU 2393 1 1985
 78 Houska, Jovanka m ENG 2391 10 1980
 79 Gaponenko, Inna m UKR 2384 12 1976
 80 Bodnaruk, Anastasia m RUS 2382 9 1992
 81 Kovanova, Baira wg RUS 2381 9 1987
 82 Bulmaga, Irina m ROU 2381 0 1993
 83 Michna, Marta wg GER 2380 11 1978
 84 Guseva, Marina m RUS 2379 9 1986
 85 Abdumalik, Zhansaya wg KAZ 2379 0 2000
 86 Arakhamia-Grant, Ketevan g SCO 2379 0 1968
 87 Guichard, Pauline wg FRA 2378 1 1988
 88 Stockova, Zuzana m SVK 2378 0 1977
 89 Schleining, Zoya wg GER 2377 9 1961
 90 Milliet, Sophie m FRA 2377 7 1983
 91 Charochkina, Daria wg RUS 2376 9 1990
 92 Peng, Zhaoqin g NED 2375 1 1968
 93 Nomin-Erdene, Davaademberel wf MGL 2374 11 2000
 94 Arabidze, Meri m GEO 2374 0 1994
 95 Haast, Anne wm NED 2372 1 1993
 96 Rodriguez Rueda, Paula Andrea m COL 2371 0 1996
 97 Voiska, Margarita wg BUL 2367 9 1963
 98 Guramishvili, Sopiko m GEO 2367 0 1991
 99 Soumya, Swaminathan wg IND 2366 14 1989
 100 Wang, Jue wg CHN 2365 0 1995
 101 Lomineishvili, Maia m GEO 2362 4 1977