mercoledì 12 dicembre 2012

Giochino Greco On the Game of Chess

Da Chessville

To Which Are Added, Numerous Remarks, Critical and Explanatory, by William Lewis
Gioachino Greco (1600 ~ 1634) was an Italian chess player and author. He recorded some of the first chess games ever recorded. As one of the players during the age of the "Romantic" era, he studied the Giuoco Piano (1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bc4), and published his analysis in the form of short games around 1625. In 1665, after his death, the manuscripts were published in London. Greco paved the way for many of the attacking legends of the Romantic era, such as Adolf Anderssen, Paul Morphy, and François Philidor.  Originally published at London in 1819, this book is now in the Public Domain.
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