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domenica 23 marzo 2014

Mamedyarov VS Aronian FIDE Candidates Tournament

Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar (2757)    --    Aronian, Levon (2830)
FIDE Candidates Tournament  (9)   Khanty-Mansiysk
2014.03.23     1-0     E20


1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 e6 3.Cc3 Ab4 4.f3 O-O 5.e4 d5 6.e5 Cfd7 7.cxd5 exd5 8.a3 Axc3+ 9.bxc3 f6 10.exf6 De8+ 11.De2
( 11.Rf2 Cxf6 12.Ad3 Ce4+ 13.Axe4 dxe4 14.Db3+ Rh8 15.f4 Cc6 16.Ce2 Ca5 17.Da2 c6 18.c4 Ae6 19.d5 cxd5 20.cxd5 Ag8 21.Ae3 Dh5 22.Thd1 Tfd8 23.Cg3 Df7 24.Tac1 Cc6 25.Cxe4 Txd5 26.Txd5 Dxd5 27.Dxd5 Axd5 28.Cd6 b6 29.Td1 Ce7 30.f5 Ab3 31.Tc1 Cd5 32.Ad4 Rg8 33.Rf3 Rf8 34.g4 Td8 35.Tc8 Txc8 36.Cxc8 Ad1+ 37.Rg3 h5 38.h3 hxg4 39.hxg4 Rf7 40.Cxa7 g6 41.Cc8 gxf5 42.gxf5 Aa4 43.Rf3 Ad7 44.Cd6+ Re7 45.Ae5 b5 46.Re4 Cf6+ 47.Rd4 Ce8 48.Cxe8 )
( 11...Cxf6 12.Dxe8 Cxe8 13.Ce2 Cd6 14.Af4 Td8 15.Cg3 Cc6 16.Ad3 Ae6 17.Rf2 Af7 18.Cf5 Ag6 )
12.fxg7 Te8 13.Ae3 Cc6 14.Dd2 Ca5 15.Tb1 Cb6 16.Tb4 Cac4 17.Axc4 dxc4
( 17...Cxc4 18.Txc4 dxc4 19.Rf2 )
18.Tb5 Af5
( 18...Cd5 19.Txd5 Dxd5 )
19.Rf2 Cd5 20.Txd5
( 20.Af4 )
20...Dxd5 21.Ce2 a5 22.h4 b5 23.h5 b4 24.cxb4 axb4 25.axb4 Db5 26.Te1 Ad3 27.Cf4 Ta3 28.d5 Ab1 29.Rg3 c3 30.Dc1 Tb3 31.Ac5 Txe1 32.Dxe1 Dd7 33.h6 Df7 34.Ch5 Ag6 35.De8+ Dxe8 36.Cf6+ Rf7 37.Cxe8 Ta3 38.Cf6 Ta8 39.g8=D+ Txg8 40.Cxg8 Rxg8 41.Rf4 Ad3 42.Re5 Rf7 43.Ae3 Af1 44.g4 1-0

mercoledì 19 marzo 2014

Aronian VS Svidler ! FIDE Candidates Tournament

Aronian, Levon (2830) - Svidler, Peter (2758)
FIDE Candidates Tournament  (4)   Khanty-Mansiysk
2014.03.17  D85

1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 g6 3.Cc3 d5 4.Cf3 Ag7 5.cxd5 Cxd5 6.e4 Cxc3 7.bxc3 c5 8.Tb1 O-O 9.Ae2 cxd4 10.cxd4 Da5+ 11.Ad2 Dxa2 12.O-O b6 13.Dc1 Ab7 14.Ac4 Da4 15.Ab5 Da2 16.Te1 Tc8 17.Dd1 Dc2 18.De2 Cc6 19.Ad3 Da2 20.Ac4 Da4 21.Ab3 Da3 

( 21...Da6 22.De3 Ca5 23.Axf7+ Rxf7 24.Cg5+ Rg8 ( 24...Re8 25.Dh3 Axd4 26.Dxh7 b5 27.Axa5 Df6 28.Ted1 Tc2 29.Dg8+ Rd7 30.Txd4+ Dxd4 31.De6+ Re8 32.Dxg6+ Rd7 33.Df5+ Re8 34.e5 Tc5 35.Ce6 Dxe5 36.Cc7+ Dxc7 37.Dg6+ Rd7 38.Axc7 Rxc7 39.Te1 e5 40.Td1 Td8 41.Df7+ ) 25.Dh3 h6 26.De6+ Rh8 27.Te3 ( 27.Cf7+ Rh7 28.Axh6 Dc4 29.d5 Dc3 30.Axg7 Dxg7 31.Cg5+ Rh8 32.Te3 Dg8 ) 27...b5 28.Cf7+ Rh7 29.Cg5+ Rh8 30.Cf7+ Rh7 31.Cg5+ )

22.Axf7+ Rxf7 23.Dc4+ e6 24.Cg5+ Re8 25.Cxe6 De7 26.Cxg7+ Dxg7 27.Ac3 Cd8 28.Db3 Tc7 29.Aa1 Tac8 30.d5 Dd7 31.Db2 De7 32.Tbd1 Cf7 33.e5 Tc2 34.Db5+ Dd7
( 34...Rf8 35.e6 Cd6 36.Db4 T8c4 )
35.Dxd7+ Rxd7 36.e6+ Rd6 37.exf7
( 37.Af6 )
37...Tf8 38.Te6+ Rd7 39.Tf6 Te2 40.f4 Te7 41.Ae5 Texf7 42.Td6+ Re8 43.Te1 Te7 44.Tc1 Tff7 45.Af6 Td7 46.Te6+ Rf8 47.d6 Rg8 48.h4 Tf8 49.Ag5 Rf7 50.Tce1 Ac6 51.h5
( 51.Te7+ Rg8 52.Tc1 Txd6 53.Tc7 )
51...a5 52.Te7+ Rg8 53.hxg6 hxg6 54.T1e6 Tf7 55.Txg6+ Rh7 56.Th6+ Rg7 57.Tee6 1-0

lunedì 17 marzo 2014

Svidler VS Kramnik ! FIDE Candidates Tournament (3)

Svidler, Peter (2758)    --    Kramnik, Vladimir (2787)
FIDE Candidates Tournament  (3)   Khanty-Mansiysk
2014.03.15  A39

1.c4 c5 2.Cf3 Cf6 3.Cc3 Cc6 4.g3 g6 5.d4 cxd4 6.Cxd4 Ag7 7.Ag2 O-O 8.O-O Cxd4 9.Dxd4 d6 10.Dd3 Ae6 11.Ad2 Dc8
( 11...Dd7 12.Tfd1 Cg4 13.b3 Ce5 14.De4 Tab8 15.Tac1 Af5 16.Dh4 Af6 17.Ag5 Axg5 18.Dxg5 b6 19.Cd5 f6 20.De3 Tfe8 21.f4 Cf7 22.Dc3 Ae6 23.e4 Axd5 24.exd5 f5 25.Te1 b5 26.Af1 b4 27.Dd2 a5 28.Te3 Cd8 29.Tce1 Cb7 30.h4 Cc5 31.h5 Rf7 32.Te6 Tb7 33.Dh2 Tg8 34.hxg6+ hxg6 35.g4 Dd8 36.gxf5 gxf5+ 37.Ag2 Th8 38.Th6 Txh6 39.Dxh6 Dg8 40.Te3 Dg6 41.Dh8 Dg7 42.Dh5+ Dg6 43.Dh4 Dg4 44.Dh7+ Re8 45.Dh6 )

12.b3 Ah3 13.Tac1 Axg2 14.Rxg2 Dc6+ 15.f3 e6 16.Tfd1 Tad8 17.Af4 Td7 18.De3 b6 19.Td3 Tc8 20.Dd2 Ce8 21.e4 a6 22.e5 h6 23.h4 Tcd8 24.Td1 b5 25.c5 Dxc5 26.Ce4 Db6 27.Cxd6 Af8 28.h5 Cxd6 29.exd6 g5 30.Ae5 Tc8 31.Tc1 Txc1 32.Dxc1 Db7 33.g4 b4 34.Dc4 Ag7 35.Ag3 Db5 36.Ae1 De5 37.Ag3 De2+ 38.Af2 Af8 39.Dxa6 e5 40.Dc4 Dxa2 41.Dc6
( 41.Dxb4 Da6 42.Td5 Txd6 43.Txe5 )

42.fxe4 De2 43.Tf3 Txd6 44.De8 f6 45.e5 f5 46.gxf5 Tf6 47.Rg3 De4 48.Ac5 De1+ 49.Af2 De4 50.Ac5 De1+ 51.Af2 


国际象棋在中国 Chess in China

China  (Active players) Only Women

 1 Hou, Yifan g CHN 2629 0 1994
 2 Zhao, Xue g CHN 2552 10 1985
 3 Ju, Wenjun wg CHN 2520 0 1991
 4 Ruan, Lufei wg CHN 2503 0 1987
 5 Tan, Zhongyi wg CHN 2499 9 1991
 6 Huang, Qian wg CHN 2484 0 1986
 7 Guo, Qi wg CHN 2462 9 1995
 8 Shen, Yang m CHN 2435 0 1989
 9 Ding, Yixin wg CHN 2429 0 1991
 10 Zhang, Xiaowen wg CHN 2397 0 1989
 11 Wang, Pin wg CHN 2394 0 1974
 12 Wang, Jue wg CHN 2384 9 1995
 13 Lei, Tingjie CHN 2374 9 1997
 14 Gong, Qianyun wm CHN 2327 0 1985
 15 Ni, Shiqun wm CHN 2325 0 1997
 16 Ning, Chunhong wg CHN 2287 0 1968
 17 Zhai, Mo wm CHN 2266 0 1996
 18 Gu, Xiaobing wg CHN 2265 0 1985
 19 Wang, Doudou wm CHN 2217 0 1988
 20 Kuang, Yinghui wm CHN 2213 0 1979

domenica 16 marzo 2014

German Chu Shogi Association

Шахматы в России - Chess in Russia

 Valentina Gunina
Russia  (Active players) Only Women

 1 Kosteniuk, Alexandra g RUS 2527 0 1984
 2 Kosintseva, Nadezhda g RUS 2513 0 1985
 3 Gunina, Valentina g RUS 2503 0 1989
 4 Pogonina, Natalija wg RUS 2499 10 1985
 5 Kosintseva, Tatiana g RUS 2496 0 1986
 6 Galliamova, Alisa m RUS 2458 0 1972
 7 Bodnaruk, Anastasia m RUS 2455 9 1992
 8 Girya, Olga wg RUS 2450 9 1991
 9 Kashlinskaya, Alina wg RUS 2440 9 1993
 10 Goryachkina, Aleksandra wg RUS 2424 9 1998
 10 Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina m RUS 2424 0 1974
 12 Turova, Irina m RUS 2418 2 1979
 13 Zaiatz, Elena m RUS 2414 9 1969
 14 Kovanova, Baira wg RUS 2404 9 1987
 15 Savina, Anastasia m RUS 2393 10 1992
 16 Charochkina, Daria wg RUS 2374 18 1990
 17 Guseva, Marina m RUS 2371 18 1986
 18 Sudakova, Irina wg RUS 2356 0 1982
 19 Shadrina, Tatiana wg RUS 2355 0 1974
 20 Vasilevich, Irina m RUS 2350 9 1985
 21 Ovod, Evgenija m RUS 2340 9 1982
 22 Ambartsumova, Karina wg RUS 2338 10 1989
 23 Schepetkova, Margarita wm RUS 2301 9 1988
 24 Iljushina, Olga wg RUS 2300 0 1981
 25 Pustovoitova, Daria f RUS 2295 9 1994

sabato 15 marzo 2014

中将棋 - Chu shogi

Chu shogi (中将棋 chū shōgi?, "mid [sized] shogi") is a strategy board game native to Japan. It is similar to modern shogi (sometimes called Japanese chess) in its rules and gameplay. Its name means "mid-sized shogi", from a time when there were three sizes of shogi variants in regular use. Chu shogi seems to have been developed in the early 14th century as a derivative of dai shogi ("large shogi"). There are earlier references, but it is not clear that they refer to the game as we now know it. With fewer pieces than dai shogi, the game was considered more exciting. It was still commonly played in Japan in the early 20th century, especially in Kyoto, but now has largely died out. It has, however, gained some adherents in the West. The main reference work in English is the Middle Shogi Manual by George Hodges. Read more:


  1. Jump up ^ If your attacking Lion is positioned directly between the opposing Lion, and another opposing piece, such that if your Lion were to be removed from the board, then the opposing Lion would be protected, then the opposing Lion is considered to be protected, and so may not be captured under the conditions of this rule (the "Hidden Protector").The rules of the European Chu Shogi tournament
  2. Jump up ^ The Bare King rule. If there are only three pieces left on the board, and one of the pieces is a Gold General (not a Tokin and not a Rook that has been promoted from a Gold General), then the player with the Gold General has won the game.The rules of the European Chu Shogi tournament (3).
  3. Jump up ^ Chu Shogi Handicaps and Grades
  4. Jump up ^ German Chu Shogi Association
  5. Jump up ^ Richard's Play-by-eMail rules for ChuShogi
  6. Jump up ^ Heisei Chu Shogi

Le chû shōgi (中将棋 'Shōgi intermédiaire') est un jeu de société originaire du Japon. Il est semblable au shōgi moderne (parfois appelé échecs japonais) par ses règles et son mode de jeu. Son nom signifie "shōgi de taille moyenne", depuis l'époque où trois tailles de variantes de shōgi étaient pratiquées régulièrement. Le chu shogi semble avoir été développé au début du XIVe siècle comme un dérivé du dai shōgi ("grand shōgi"). Il existe des références plus anciennes mais il n'est pas clair s'il s'agit de références au jeu que nous connaissons aujourd'hui. Avec moins de pièces que le dai shōgi, le jeu était considéré comme plus excitant. Il était encore joué couramment au Japon au début du XXe siècle, en particulier à Kyoto, mais est maintenant pratiquement disparu. Il a pourtant gagné quelques adhérents en occident. L'ouvrage de référence en anglais est le Middle Shōgi Manual ("Manuel de shōgi intermédiaire") de George Hodges1.

Chu Shogi (Middle Shogi) Le Chu Shogi (Le Shogi Intermédiaire)

Candidates 2014 VIDEO stream live!

venerdì 14 marzo 2014

Chinese Women Chess Individual Championships 2014

Ju Wenjun


Chinese Chess Individual Championships 2014 take place from 11th March to 22nd March 2014 in Xinhua, Jiangsu. It is a 12 player round robin event with open and women section. The participants in the women section are WGM Ju Wenjun, WGM Tan Zhongyi, WGM Guo Qi, IM Shen Yang, WGM Ding Yixin, WGM Zhang Xiaowen, WGM Wang Jue, Lei Tingjie, WIM Zhai Mo, WIM Wang Doudou, WFM Xiao Yiyi, WIM Gu Tianlu.

mercoledì 12 marzo 2014

Chinese Chess Championships 2014


Chinese Chess Individual Championships 2014 take place from 11th March to 22nd March 2014 in Xinhua, Jiangsu. It is a 12 player round robin event with open and women section.

The participants in the open section are GM Ding Liren, GM Yu Yangyi, the Women World Champion GM Yifan Hou, GM Wei Yi, GM Zhao Jun, GM Ma Qun, GM Wen Yang, GM Xiu Deshun, GM Zhou Jianchao, GM Zeng Chongsheng, IM Liu Qingnan, and Lin Chen.


2nd Shogi Cup of Japan Ambassador in Russia

Go Resources on the Net

domenica 2 marzo 2014


The shogi tournament in Minsk, Belarus (December 7-8, 2013). The event page (in Russian):