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giovedì 29 gennaio 2015

Un attacco con i fiocchi: Ivanchuk vs Van Wely

Vassily Ivanchuk

Ivanchuk, Vassily (2715)    --    Van Wely, Loek (2667)
77th Tata Steel Chess Masters  (3)   Wijk aan Zee
2015.01.12     1-0     B80

1.e4 c5 2.Cf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Cxd4 Cc6 5.Cc3 d6 6.Ae3 Cf6 7.De2 a6 8.O-O-O Ad7
( 8...Dc7 9.g4 Cxd4 10.Txd4 h6 11.f4 b5 12.e5 dxe5 13.fxe5 Cd7 14.Ag2 Tb8 15.g5 hxg5 16.Axg5 Ac5 17.Td3 Ae7 18.Axe7 Rxe7 19.Td6 b4 20.Ce4 Cxe5 21.De3 f6 22.Dg3 Th7 23.Thd1 Tb5 24.Cxf6 gxf6 25.Tc6 Db7 26.Dg8 Cxc6 27.Dxh7+ Rf8 28.Dh8+ Rf7 29.h4 Ad7 30.Ae4 Dc7 31.Dh7+ Rf8 32.Dh6+ Rf7 33.Ag6+ )
9.f4 Tc8
( 9...Cxd4 10.Axd4 Ac6 11.g4 Da5 12.g5 Cd7 13.h4 O-O-O 14.Ah3 Rb8 15.Rb1 Tg8 16.h5 g6 17.hxg6 hxg6 18.Ag4 Ae7 19.Th7 e5 20.Cd5 Axd5 21.exd5 Tgf8 22.Axd7 Txd7 23.fxe5 dxe5 24.Axe5+ Ra8 25.Ag7 Tfd8 26.c4 Axg5 27.Dg4 f6 28.Axf6 Txh7 29.Axg5 Te8 30.a3 Da4 31.Dd4 Th5 32.Ac1 Th4 33.Dd3 Dxc4 34.Dxg6 Td8 35.d6 Td4 36.Dh5 Txd1 37.Dxd1 Dc6 38.Ag5 Txd6 39.Db3 Td5 40.Af6 De6 41.Ac3 De4+ 42.Ra2 b5 43.Aa5 Dc4 44.Dxc4 bxc4 45.Ac3 Td3 46.Ag7 Rb7 47.Ah8 Rc6 48.Ag7 Rd5 49.Ah8 a5 50.Ag7 a4 51.Ah8 Tg3 52.Af6 )
10.Rb1 Dc7 11.Cb3 b5 12.g4 b4 13.Ca4 e5 14.g5 Ag4 15.Dg2 Axd1 16.Axa6 Cd7 17.Txd1 Ta8 18.Ab5 Ae7 19.f5 Db7 20.c4 O-O 21.f6 Ad8 22.Txd6 Ccb8 23.Dg4 g6 24.h4 h5 25.Df3 Ac7 26.Txd7 Cxd7 27.Axd7 Tad8 28.Cbc5 Da8 29.Dd1 Da7 30.Dd5 Ta8 31.Ad2 Tfd8 32.Axb4 Aa5 33.a3 Dc7 34.Cc3 Axb4 35.axb4 Da7 36.Rc2 Tac8 37.Cb5 Da1 38.Cd6 1-0

mercoledì 28 gennaio 2015

S. Mamedyarov vs. N. Zhukova - Aeroflot Blitz Chess tournament 2013

Alea Evangelii

Un doveroso ringraziamento al sito CYNINGSTAN, per averci permesso la pubblicazione del seguente contributo.

Alea Evangelii
Alea evangelii, from a mediaeval manuscript.
Alea evangelii, from a mediaeval manuscript.

An enigmatic variant of the Viking game hnefatafl, alea evangelii was recorded in the 12th century and said to be played at the court of the 10th century English king Athelstan. In hnefatafl games, the king tries to escape from the board with the help of his defenders, while twice as many attackers try to capture him. Alea evangelii is the biggest of these games ever recorded, being played with 73 pieces on a board of 19x19 playing spaces. Not a game for the faint-hearted!
Only one recorded reference to this game exists, and that gives us no rules. But other members of the hnefatafl family of games have reasonably consistent sets of rules, so many have tried to reconstruct this impressive game. Due to its size, and the length of time taken to play, this game has understandably escaped much experimentation so far.

History of Alea Evangelii

Corpus Christ College, Cambridge, owns an interesting manuscript dating to 1140. One of the things that makes it interesting is that it depicts a board game which, the manuscript says, was played in the court of king Athelstan 200 years earlier. It calls the game alea evangelii, the game of the gospels.
The game features a king in the centre of the board, and a large number of men around him. This is a kind of hnefatafl, a game brought to the British Isles by Norse invaders who settled mainly in the northern areas. In hnefatafl, a king in the centre must escape from the board with the help of his guards, while twice their number of attackers attempt to capture them. In alea evangelii, the numbers are 24 defenders and 48 attackers, making this the largest hnefatafl game known.
Hnefatafl was popular in the British Isles until the coming of chess, and was last recorded being played in Wales in 1587. Alea evangelii itself is not recorded outside the Corpus Christi manuscript, but this a board of 15 squares by 15 found at York suggests an English preference for large versions of hnefatafl.

Rules for Alea Evangelii

Alea Evangelii laid out ready to start play
Alea Evangelii laid out ready to start play

Alea Evangelii is played by two people on the intersections of a square board. The board has 19 lines in each direction. Sixteen points in the corners are marked with fixed men who belong to neither side but prevent others from landing there. A gap in the lines is the king’s space, or castle, and four other points are marked with a circle to aid the setting up of the pieces. One player has a king and 24 faithful dukes, while the other has 48 rebellious counts.
1. The game begins with the pieces set out as in the diagram.
2. The king’s side takes the first move, play then alternating between players.
3. In his turn a player moves one of his pieces along a straight line, horizontally or vertically.
4. No piece may land on another, nor is there any jumping.
5. Only the king can land on the central space, though other pieces can pass through it.
6. Only the king may move to the spaces occupied by the fixed men: see rule 11.
7. The king is captured by surrounding him on all four sides by counts. If he is next to the central square or the edge of the board, he may be captured by surrounding him on the other three sides.
8. Dukes and counts are captured by surrounding them with enemies on two opposite sides, horizontally or vertically. Two or three men may be captured simultaneously if each falls between the moving piece and another enemy.
9. The fixed men in the corners may be used to capture pieces by either player.
10. A piece may come to rest voluntarily between two others, without being captured.
11. If the king moves to one of the squares occupied by the fixed men, he has escaped the board and wins the game.
12. If the king is captured by his opponents, then he has lost the game.

Strategy in Alea Evangelii

Attacking strategy for hnefatafl games usually involves the formation of a blockade around the king's forces. In this version of hnefatafl, the blockade is almost formed by the counts, so the counts have the task of completing the blockade, and chasing down or restricting the movement of any dukes that might break through beforehand.
Because the blockade in alea evangelii is almost completely formed, the dukes must try and get as many pieces outside it as possible in the early moves, preferably making way for the king at the same time. The king is a strong piece in this version of the game, and his strength will be needed. The king will have to throw himself at the blockade again and again, working in concert with those dukes which have escaped, to open holes in the counts' lines....

martedì 27 gennaio 2015

lunedì 26 gennaio 2015

Gunina (Blondes) - Guseva (Brunettes) Blitz 2014

Moose Defence: Antoniel_Barbosa - mmagari - di Marco Gandolfo

Ovvero... l'arte di arrampicarsi sugli specchi...

Antoniel_Barbosa (2375)    --    mmagari (2413)
AUTO-OPEN-3224  (2)
2014.09.10  Moose Defence B00

1.e4 a5 2.d4 h5 3.Cc3
( A 3.f4 B 3.c4 e5 ( 4.d5? Ac5 ) 4.dxe5 Cc6 insomnia69 (2367) -- mmagari (2300) . Per quanto riguarda la modalità di sviluppo e4 - d4 - Cc3 - Cf3 vedi Moose Defence: leduar Vs mmagari - di Marco Gandolfo che si sviluppò nel seguente modo:  1.e4 a5 2.Cf3  h5  3.d4 d6 4.Ae2 e6 5.Cg5  h4 6.h3 Ae7 7.Cf3 Cf6 8.Cc3 c6 9.O-O Ca6 10.Ag5 Cd7 11.Axe7 Dxe7 12.d5 ( 12.e5 è la continuazione corretta ) cxd5 13.exd5 e5 e il N sta bene ) 3...d5 4.exd5 ( 4.e5 ) 4...Cf6 )

4.Cf3 d6 5.Ae2 e6
( 5...Ag4? 6.h3 Axf3 7.Axf3; più verosimile 5...Ca6 6.O-O Cf6  )
6.O-O Cf6?
( così si finisce in posizione drammaticamente passiva, meglio 6...Ae7!? )
7.Ag5 Ae7 8.e5 dxe5 9.dxe5 Cd5 10.Ce4 O-O 11.c4 Axg5 ( l'inizio dell'arrampicata sugli specchi ) 12.cxd5 Ah6 13.d6 Cd7 14.a4 h4 15.Dd4 b6 16.Tae1 Ab7 17.Dc3 c5 

18.Ac4 Cb8 19.h3 Cc6 20.Ch2 Cd4 21.f4 Cf5 22.Ad3 c4 23.Ab1 b5 ( in cerca di un improbabile controgioco ) 24.Cg4 Db6+ 25.Rh2 Tfd8 26.axb5 Dxb5 27.Tc1 Tac8 28.Cxh6+ Cxh6 29.Cg5 Ad5 30.Cf3 Tb8 31.Tf2 Dc5 32.Te2 Axf3 33.Dxf3 Tb4 34.Td2 Tdb8 35.De2 g6 36.Ae4 Rg7 37.De1 Th8 38.Dxh4 De3 39.Tcd1 Dxe4 40.d7 Df5 41.d8=D Txd8 42.Txd8 c3 43.bxc3 Txf4 44.Df6+ Dxf6 45.exf6+ Rxf6 46.Ta1 Tc4 47.Ta3 Cf5 e per qualche ignota ragione il B lascia il tenzone ...avrebbe potuto seguire: 48.Ta8 Ce3 49.T8xa5 Cd5.

Marco Gandolfo

domenica 25 gennaio 2015

Brandubh & Ard Ri

Breve video ( in tedesco, ma assai intuitivo ) , che fornisce i primi rudimenti per potere giocare a questi due giochi appartenenti alla famiglia dei giochi Talf.

La continua ascesa di Wesley So

Wesley So

Carlsen, Magnus (2862)    --    So, Wesley (2762)
77th Tata Steel Chess Masters  (2)   Wijk aan Zee
2015.01.11  E46

1.c4 Cf6 2.Cc3 e6 3.d4 Ab4 4.e3 O-O 5.Ce2 d5 6.a3 Ae7 7.cxd5 exd5 8.g3 Cbd7 9.Ag2 Cb6 10.O-O Te8 11.b3 h6 12.Dc2 Ad7 13.a4 a5 14.Cf4 c6 15.Ab2 Ab4 16.Cd3 Af5 17.Dd1 Ad6 

18.Te1 Cbd7 19.Aa3 Axa3 20.Txa3 Cb8 21.Ta2 Ca6 22.Tae2 Te7 23.Ce5 Cb4 24.e4 dxe4 25.Cxe4 Axe4 26.Axe4 Cxe4 27.Txe4 Dd5 28.T4e3 b5 29.Cg4 Txe3 30.Cxe3 De4 31.Cg4 Dc2 32.Ce3 De4 33.Cg4 Dc2 34.Ce3 De4 1/2-1/2

Caruana, Fabiano (2820)    --    So, Wesley (2762)
77th Tata Steel Chess Masters  (4)   Wijk aan Zee
2015.01.13  C77

1.e4 e5 2.Cf3 Cc6 3.Ab5 a6 4.Aa4 Cf6 5.O-O Ae7 6.d3 b5 7.Ab3 O-O 8.Cc3 d6 9.a3 Cb8
( 9...Ca5 10.Aa2 Ae6 11.Ag5 c5 12.b4 Cc6 13.Cd5 Axd5 14.exd5 Cd4 15.bxc5 Cxf3+ 16.Dxf3 dxc5 17.Tfe1 Cd7 18.Ad2 Ad6 19.a4 f5 20.Ab3 e4 21.dxe4 c4 22.Aa2 Dh4 23.e5 Axe5 24.g3 Dg4 25.Dxg4 fxg4 26.c3 Af6 27.Ab1 b4 28.Te3 Tad8 29.Af5 h5 30.Td1 b3 31.Ac1 Ag5 32.Ae6+ Rh8 33.Te2 Axc1 34.Txc1 Cc5 35.a5 Tfe8 36.Rf1 g6 37.Tce1 Rg7 38.d6 Txe6 39.Txe6 Cxe6 40.Txe6 Td7 41.Te8 Txd6 42.Re2 Td3 )
( 9...Ae6 10.Cd5 Cd4 11.Cxd4 exd4 12.Cxf6+ Axf6 13.Axe6 fxe6 14.Dg4 Dc8 15.f4 e5 16.f5 c5 17.Ag5 Rh8 18.Tf3 c4 19.Th3 Axg5 20.Dxg5 Tf6 21.g4 cxd3 22.cxd3 Dc2 23.Tc1 De2 24.Tc7 De1+ 25.Rg2 De2+ 26.Rg1 De1+ 27.Rg2 De2+ 28.Rg1 )
( 9...Ab7 10.Ad2 Dd7 11.a4 Cd8 12.axb5 axb5 13.Txa8 Axa8 14.Ce2 Ce6 15.Cg3 c5 16.Cf5 Ad8 17.c4 bxc4 18.Axc4 Ac7 19.Te1 Te8 20.Dc1 Ch5 21.g3 g6 22.Ch6+ Rg7 23.Cg5 Cxg5 24.Axg5 d5 25.exd5 Axd5 26.Cg4 Af3 27.Af6+ Rg8 28.Ch6+ Rf8 29.De3 Ab7 30.Ah4 Dh3 31.f3 Cf4 32.gxf4 Dxh4 33.Cxf7 Axf3 34.Df2 Dg4+ 35.Dg3 exf4 36.Txe8+ Rxe8 37.Dxg4 Axg4 38.Cg5 h6 39.Cf7 h5 40.Ch6 Ad1 41.Rf2 f3 42.h3 Af4 43.Cf7 g5 44.Re1 g4 45.hxg4 hxg4 46.Rxd1 g3 47.Re1 g2 48.Rf2 Ah2 )
10.a4 b4 11.Cd5 Cxd5 12.Axd5 c6 13.Ab3 Cd7 14.d4 a5 15.dxe5 dxe5 16.De2 Dc7 17.Ae3 c5 18.Ac4 Cb6 19.Ab5 f5 20.exf5 Axf5 

21.c3 bxc3 22.bxc3 Rh8 23.Cd2 Cd5 24.Tac1 Tad8 25.Cc4 Af6 26.f3 Cf4 27.Axf4 exf4 28.Cd2 c4 29.Ce4 Td3 30.Cxf6 Db6+ 31.Df2 1/2-1/2

So, Wesley (2762)    --    Aronian, Levon (2797)
77th Tata Steel Chess Masters  (3)   Wijk aan Zee
2015.01.12     1-0     C45

1.e4 e5 2.Cf3 Cc6 3.d4 exd4 4.Cxd4 Cf6 5.Cxc6 bxc6 6.e5 De7 7.De2 Cd5 8.Cd2 Tb8 9.c4 Cf4
( 9...Aa6 10.b3 Db4 11.Ab2 Cc3 12.De3 Ca4 13.a3 Da5 14.b4 Db6 15.Dxb6 axb6 16.Ac1 d6 17.f4 dxe5 18.fxe5 g6 19.Ad3 Ag7 20.Cf3 f5 21.Ac2 Cc3 22.Ab2 Ce4 23.Ab3 Td8 24.Re2 O-O 25.Thd1 g5 26.a4 g4 27.Ce1 Tde8 28.Cd3 c5 29.a5 f4 30.axb6 f3+ 31.Rf1 Ab7 32.Ta7 g3 33.gxf3 Txf3+ 34.Rg2 Tef8 35.Txb7 h5 36.bxc7 Te3 37.Tb8 Te2+ 38.Rh1 Txh2+ 39.Rg1 Cg5 40.Txf8+ Axf8 41.Rf1 Cf3 42.c8=D g2+ 43.Re2 g1=D+ 44.Rxf3 Dg2+ 45.Re3 Dg3+ 46.Re4 Th4+ 47.Rf5 Df3+ 48.Rg6 Tg4+ 49.Dxg4 Df7+ 50.Rg5 Ae7+ 51.Rh6+ hxg4 )
( 9...Cb4 10.Cf3 c5 11.g3 De6 12.Ag2 Ae7 13.O-O Ab7 14.b3 O-O 15.Ab2 Tfe8 16.Tfe1 h6 17.Ac3 Af8 18.Tad1 Aa8 19.Axb4 Txb4 20.Dd2 Td8 21.Ch4 Tbb8 22.Ad5 Axd5 23.cxd5 Dh3 24.Dc2 Tb4 25.Te4 Txe4 26.Dxe4 Te8 27.Cg2 g5 28.Ce3 Ag7 29.Cc4 d6 30.Te1 Axe5 31.Dg2 Dd7 32.Df3 Ad4 33.Te4 Rf8 34.Cd2 Txe4 35.Cxe4 De7 36.g4 De5 37.Cg3 Rg7 38.Rg2 Df6 39.Ch5+ )
10.De3 Cg6 11.f4 f6 12.Dxa7 Tb7 13.Df2 fxe5 14.f5 Cf4 15.Df3 Df7 16.g3 Ch5 17.Ae2 Cf6 18.g4 d5 19.g5 e4 20.Dh3 Cg8 21.Ah5! 
g6 22.fxg6 Axh3 23.gxf7+ Rd7 24.fxg8=D Txg8 25.Tg1 Ad6 26.cxd5 cxd5 27.Af7 Tf8 28.Axd5 Tb4 29.g6 hxg6 30.Txg6 Td4 31.Axe4 Te8 32.Rf2 Tf8+ 33.Re2 Te8 34.Rf2 Tf8+ 35.Re3 c5 36.Tg7+ Rd8 37.Re2 Ac8 38.Af3 Aa6+ 39.Rf2 Th4 40.Cf1 Rc8 41.Ae3 Th3 42.Cd2 Txh2+ 43.Rg1 Txd2 44.Ag4+ Rb8 45.Axd2 Ae5 46.Te7 Ad4+ 47.Ae3 Tg8 48.Axd4 Txg4+ 49.Rf2 Txd4 50.Th1 Ab7 51.Th8+ Ra7 52.Re3 Tb4 53.b3 c4 54.Th4 1-0

sabato 24 gennaio 2015

Islamic Ivory Set and Board with Casket

Rare design 19th century Islamic Indian Ivory Chess Set. The unusual ribbed turned ivory chessmen stained cochineal red and green. Comes with interesting lift up top bone storage casket. The bone decorated with attractive red a green circle designs and laid onto brass. The inside lined with brown leather. Also there is a 20th century Islamic style red material and twisted gold thread chessboard.

These aesthetically pleasing different shapes evolved to donate the various chess pieces in Islamic countries, as the use of human and animal forms is prohibited in the Islamic religion. King 2 (5 cms.) high.

Casket 6.25x4.75x4.25 inches (16x12x11cms.)

Chess in Russia

 Valentina Gunina

Russia  (Active players) Only Women

 1 Gunina, Valentina g RUS 2538 9 1989
 2 Lagno, Kateryna g RUS 2530 0 1989
 3 Kosteniuk, Alexandra g RUS 2529 9 1984
 4 Kosintseva, Nadezhda g RUS 2489 0 1985
 5 Galliamova, Alisa m RUS 2484 9 1972
 6 Kosintseva, Tatiana g RUS 2483 0 1986
 7 Girya, Olga wg RUS 2466 9 1991
 8 Pogonina, Natalija wg RUS 2456 9 1985
 9 Goryachkina, Aleksandra wg RUS 2451 19 1998
 10 Kashlinskaya, Alina m RUS 2444 10 1993
 11 Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina m RUS 2441 9 1974
 12 Turova, Irina m RUS 2421 0 1979
 13 Kovanova, Baira wg RUS 2405 0 1987
 14 Savina, Anastasia m RUS 2402 11 1992
 14 Bodnaruk, Anastasia m RUS 2402 9 1992
 16 Zaiatz, Elena m RUS 2396 0 1969
 17 Guseva, Marina m RUS 2375 0 1986
 18 Charochkina, Daria wg RUS 2370 0 1990
 19 Bivol, Alina wm RUS 2355 0 1996
 20 Sudakova, Irina wg RUS 2352 0 1982
 21 Pustovoitova, Daria f RUS 2334 0 1994
 22 Shadrina, Tatiana wg RUS 2329 0 1974
 23 Ambartsumova, Karina wg RUS 2325 10 1989
 24 Ovod, Evgenija m RUS 2324 0 1982
 25 Vasilevich, Irina m RUS 2320 0 1985

venerdì 23 gennaio 2015


Tavoliere e sfere per Sz'Kwa (Xi Gua Qi in cinese)

Hou Yifan, due patte importanti

Due patte significative che mostrano in maniera palese come la campionessa cinese sia perfettamente in grado di competere alla pari con i più forti giocatori di Scacchi attualmente circolanti...

Caruana, Fabiano (2820)    --    Hou, Yifan (2673)
77th Tata Steel Chess Masters  (9)   Wijk aan Zee
2015.01.20 B90

1.e4 c5 2.Cf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Cxd4 Cf6 5.Cc3 a6 6.h3 e5 7.Cde2 h5 8.g3 Ae7 9.Ag2 b5 10.Cd5 Cbd7
( 10...Cxd5 11.Dxd5 Ta7 12.Ae3 Ab7 13.Db3 Ta8 14.a4 Cd7 15.axb5 axb5 16.O-O Ac6 17.Cc3 Tb8 18.Cd5 O-O 19.Tfd1 Cf6 20.Cxe7+ Dxe7 21.Ag5 Tfc8 22.Td2 Aa8 23.Ta6 Tc6 24.Txc6 Axc6 25.Df3 De6 26.Axf6 gxf6 27.Dxh5 b4 28.b3 Tb6 29.Rh2 Rf8 30.h4 Dd7 31.Td3 Re7 32.Dh7 Dg4 33.f3 Dc8 34.c4 bxc3 35.Txc3 Db7 36.h5 Txb3 37.Txb3 Dxb3 38.h6 Db8 39.Dg7 Df8 40.f4 exf4 41.e5 )
( 11.Cec3 Ab7 12.Cxe7 Dxe7 13.Ag5 De6 14.O-O ( 14.Cd5 Tc8 15.c3 Cxd5 16.exd5 Dg6 17.h4 f6 18.Ae3 f5 19.Ag5 Cf6 20.a4 O-O 21.axb5 axb5 22.O-O Ce4 23.Ta7 Aa8 24.Ae3 Tf7 25.Ta5 Ab7 26.Dd3 Cf6 27.Ag5 Ce4 28.f4 Cxg5 29.hxg5 Dh7 30.Dxb5 h4 31.gxh4 Dxh4 32.Ta7 Tb8 33.Db6 Dg3 34.Df2 Dd3 35.Df3 Dd2 36.g6 Td7 37.Dh5 De3+ 38.Rh1 Dxa7 39.fxe5 De3 40.Dh7+ Rf8 41.Txf5+ Re7 42.Dh4+ ) ( 14.h4 b4 15.Ah3 Cg4 16.Cd5 Axd5 17.exd5 Dg6 18.f3 Cgf6 19.O-O O-O 20.f4 De4 21.fxe5 Dxe5 22.Af4 Dxb2 23.Axd6 Tfc8 24.Af5 g6 25.Tb1 Dxa2 26.Axd7 Cxd7 27.Tf2 Tc3 28.Txb4 Tac8 29.Tbf4 Txc2 30.Txf7 Tc1 31.Txa2 Txd1+ 32.Tf1 Tcc1 33.Txd1 Txd1+ 34.Rg2 Txd5 ) 14...Tc8 ( 14...b4 15.Cd5 Axd5 16.exd5 Df5 17.Ad2 Tb8 18.a3 bxa3 19.b3 O-O 20.Txa3 Tfc8 21.c4 Cc5 22.Ae3 Cfd7 23.Db1 e4 24.Dc2 Tb7 25.Tb1 Tcb8 26.Ad4 Dg6 27.Rh2 ) 15.Te1 b4 16.Ca4 Tc4 17.f3 h4 18.g4 d5 19.b3 Td4 20.Dxd4 exd4 21.exd5 Cxd5 22.Txe6+ fxe6 23.Td1 e5 24.f4 Ce3 25.Axb7 Cxd1 26.Ac6 exf4 27.Cc5 O-O 28.Cxd7 Te8 29.Rf1 Te3 30.Axf4 Txh3 31.Ce5 Tc3 32.Ad5+ Rf8 33.Ae4 Ce3+ 34.Re2 h3 35.g5 a5 36.Cf3 Cxc2 37.Ad2 Tc7 38.Rd3 Ce3 39.Axe3 dxe3 40.Rxe3 Re7 41.Af5 Tc3+ 42.Rf4 a4 43.bxa4 Ta3 44.Axh3 Txa4 45.Re3 Txa2 46.Af5 b3 47.Cd2 Ta5 48.Ad3 Txg5 49.Cxb3 Tg3+ 50.Rd4 Txd3+ 51.Rxd3 )
11...Dxe7 12.Ag5 Ab7 13.Cc3 De6 14.a3 O-O 15.O-O Tfc8 16.Te1 Tab8 17.Te2 Cb6 18.De1 Cc4 19.Ac1 Cb6 20.b3 Cbd7 21.h4 d5 22.exd5 Cxd5 23.Ce4 C5f6 24.Cxf6+ Dxf6 25.Ag5 Df5 26.Axb7 Txb7 27.Da5 Tbc7 28.Dxa6 Txc2 29.Ae3 Cf6 30.Dxb5 Cg4 31.Tf1 Txe2 32.Dxe2 Tc2 33.Dd1 Tb2 34.Ac5 e4 35.Ad4 Ta2 36.a4 Rh7 37.b4 Ta3 38.a5 Tf3 39.Db1 Td3 40.Db2 Dd5 41.Ac5 Ce5 42.Ae3 Cf3+ 43.Rg2 f5 44.Tc1 f4 

45.Tc7 Cxh4+ 46.gxh4 f3+ 47.Rg3 Dd6+ 48.Af4 Dg6+ 49.Ag5 Dd6+ 1/2-1/2
Hou, Yifan (2673)    --    Aronian, Levon (2797)
77th Tata Steel Chess Masters  (8)   Wijk aan Zee
2015.01.18  C54

1.e4 e5 2.Cf3 Cc6 3.Ac4 Ac5 4.c3 Cf6 5.d4 exd4 6.cxd4 Ab4+ 7.Ad2 Cxe4 8.Axb4 Cxb4 9.Axf7+ Rxf7 10.Db3+ d5 11.Ce5+ Re6 

12.Dxb4 Df8 13.Dxf8 Txf8 14.f3 Cg5
( 14...Cf6 15.Rd2 Rd6 16.Cc3 c6 17.The1 Af5 18.Te3 Cd7 19.Tae1 Cxe5 20.Txe5 Tf7 21.T1e3 Taf8 22.Ce2 b6 23.b4 Ad7 24.Ta3 Te8 25.Txa7 Txe5 26.dxe5+ Rxe5 27.Tb7 b5 28.Re3 Rd6 29.Cd4 Tf8 30.Ta7 g5 31.g3 Te8+ 32.Rd3 Te1 33.Ta6 Rc7 34.Ta7+ Rd6 35.Ta6 Rc7 36.Ta7+ Rd6 37.Ta6 )

( 14...Cd6 15.Cc3 c6 16.Rf2 Cf5 17.Tad1 Rd6 18.The1 g6 )

( 14...c5 15.Cd3 cxd4 16.Ca3 Cd6 17.Cc2 Cf5 18.g4 Ch4 19.Cxd4+ Rd6 20.Tf1 Ad7 21.Rd2 Tac8 22.b3 g5 23.h3 Tf6 24.f4 gxf4 25.Txf4 Txf4 26.Cxf4 Tf8 27.Re3 Te8+ 28.Rf2 Te4 29.Cfe2 Cg6 30.Td1 Cf4 31.Cxf4 Txf4+ 32.Rg3 Te4 33.Rh4 Rc5 34.Cf3 Ab5 35.Rg5 d4 36.Tc1+ Rd6 37.a4 Ac6 38.Ch4 Ad5 39.Cf5+ Re5 40.Tc8 Axb3 41.Te8+ Ae6 42.Cg7 Rd6 43.Rf6 Ad5 44.Cf5+ Rc5 45.Txe4 Axe4 46.Re5 Ag2 47.Cxd4 Axh3 48.g5 Rb4 49.Rf6 Af1 50.Ce6 Ad3 51.Cd8 Rxa4 52.Cxb7 Rb4 53.Re5 a5 54.Rd4 Ac2 55.Re3 a4 56.Rd2 Ae4 57.Cd6 a3 58.Rc1 Ad3 59.Cb7 Rc3 60.Cc5 Ac2 )
15.Cc3 c6 16.h4 Cf7 17.Cd3 Rd6 18.Rf2 Cd8 19.g3 Ce6 20.Ce2 a5 21.Cdf4 Ta6 22.Tad1 Tb6 23.Td2 Tb4 24.Te1 Cxf4 25.Cxf4 Tc4 26.a3 Af5 27.Te3 b6 28.Tb3 b5 29.Te3 b4 30.Ce2 h5 31.Re1 g6 32.b3 Tc2 33.Txc2 Axc2 34.a4 Af5 35.Cf4 Tc8 36.Rd2 c5 37.Te5 cxd4 38.Txd5+ Re7 39.g4 hxg4 40.fxg4 Axg4 41.Cxg6+ Rf6 42.Txd4 Ae6 43.Td6 Rf7 44.Ce5+ Re7 45.Td3 Rf6 46.Cf3 Ag8 47.Cg5 Rf5 48.Cf3 Rf6 49.h5 Tc5 50.h6 Th5 51.Td6+ Re7 52.Ta6 Axb3 53.h7 Axa4 54.Txa5 Txh7 55.Txa4 1/2-1/2

giovedì 22 gennaio 2015

Valentina Gunina, una lottatrice di vaglia


Gunina, Valentina (2538)    --    L'Ami, Erwin (2613)
77th Tata Steel Chess Challengers  (7)   Wijk aan Zee
2015.01.17  E17

1.d4 Cf6 2.Cf3 e6 3.c4 b6 4.g3 Ab7 5.Ag2 Ae7 6.O-O O-O 7.Te1 Ca6 8.Cc3 Ce4 9.Dc2 Cb4 10.Db3 Cxc3 11.Dxc3 Ae4 12.Ce5 Axg2 13.Rxg2 Cc6 14.Cxc6 dxc6 15.Af4 Af6 16.Tad1 c5 17.Ae5 Axe5 18.dxe5 De8 19.Td3 Da4 20.Dc1 Tad8 21.Ted1 Txd3 22.Txd3 a6 23.a3 b5 24.b3 Da5 25.cxb5 Dxb5 26.Dc2 h6 27.Tc3 Tb8 28.f3 g6 29.Dd2 Rg7 30.De3 Db6 31.h4 

Db5 32.Rf2 Da5 33.Dc1 Tb5 34.Td3 Tb8 35.Df4 c4 36.Td7 Tf8 37.Dxc4 Dxe5 38.Txc7 Td8 39.Dc3 Dxc3 40.Txc3 Td2 41.Tc5 Rf6 42.b4 g5 43.hxg5+ hxg5 44.Re3 Td6 45.g4 Rg6 46.Tc4 Rf6 47.Td4 Tc6 48.Rd2 Re5 49.e3 f5 50.a4 Tc8 51.b5 axb5 52.axb5 Tb8 53.Tb4 Rd5 54.Rc3 Tb6 55.Td4+ Re5 56.Rb4 Tb8 57.Tc4 fxg4 58.Txg4 Rf5 59.Tc4 e5 60.Tg4 Rf6 61.e4 Rg6 62.Tg1 Tf8 63.b6 Txf3 64.b7 Tf8 65.Rc5 Rh5 66.Tb1 Tb8 67.Rd6 1-0

Piedra de un templo cerca de Khejarala, India.

Tablero del Alquerque de nueve grabado en la piedra de un templo cerca de Khejarala, India.

In realtà abbiamo a che fare con una incisione raffigurante lo schema di quello che diverrà il piano di gioco del gioco del "Mulino"

martedì 20 gennaio 2015

La Cina che avanza: Timman vs Wei Yi

Timman, Jan H (2593)    --    Wei, Yi (2675)
77th Tata Steel Chess Challengers  (7)   Wijk aan Zee
2015.01.17  D91

1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 g6 3.Cc3 d5 4.Cf3 Ag7 5.Ag5 Ce4 6.Af4 Cxc3 7.bxc3 dxc4 8.e3 Ae6 9.Db1 b6 10.Cg5 Ad5 11.e4 h6 12.Cf3 Ae6 13.Ae5 f6 14.Ag3 O-O 15.d5 f5 16.Ae5 Af7 17.Axc4 Axe5 18.Cxe5 Dd6 19.f4 Cd7 20.Cxd7 Dxd7 21.exf5 Axd5 

22.De4 Txf5 23.O-O-O e6 24.The1 Df7 25.Dd3 Td8 26.Dg3 Txf4 27.Ad3 g5 28.c4 Axc4 29.Ah7+ Rxh7 30.Txd8 Df6 31.Td7+ Rg6 32.Txc7 Da1+ 33.Rc2 Dxa2+ 34.Rc1 Da1+ 35.Rc2 Tf2+ 0-1

venerdì 16 gennaio 2015

Anne Haast vs Jan Timman

Anne Haast

Timman, Jan H (2593)    --    Haast, Anne (2352)
77th Tata Steel Chess Challengers  (3)   Wijk aan Zee
2015.01.12 D20

1.d4 d5 2.c4 dxc4 3.e4 e5 4.Cf3 exd4 5.Axc4 Ab4+ 6.Ad2 Axd2+ 7.Cbxd2 Cc6 8.O-O Df6 9.e5 Dg6 10.Te1 Cge7 11.Db3 O-O 12.Ad3 Dh6 13.Ce4 Af5 14.Tac1 Tab8 15.Cc5 Ag4 16.Ae4 Axf3 17.Axf3 Cxe5 18.Axb7 C7g6 19.Tcd1 Tfe8 20.Te4
( 20.Ca6 )

21.g3 d3 22.Te3 Cf4
( 22...Dh5 )
( 23.Rf1 Ce6 )
23...Dg4 24.Tf1
( 24.Cxd3 )
24...d2 25.Dd1 Ch3+ 26.Rg2 Cxf2 27.Dxd2 Dh3+ 28.Rg1 Ceg4 29.Txe8+ Txe8 30.Txf2 Dxg3+ 0-1

giovedì 15 gennaio 2015

Il perfetto Ouroboros di Cervantes in Don Chisciotte

Da: Scacchi, dame e cavalieri - Re, Regine, Nobili e scudieri. Testi di Carmelo Coco disegni di Noir

Il perfetto Ouroboros di Cervantes in Don Chisciotte

Nel capitolo XII (libro secondo) del Don Chisciotte di Cervantes, ragionando sulla finzione della vita, sulla commedia, sui commedianti e sul loro ruolo, Don Chisciotte spiega a Sancho come, una volta terminata la commedia e smessi gli abiti della recita, tutti ritornino uguali. Lo stesso vale per l'affanno di questo mondo, aggiunge nel quale uno fa da imperatore, un altro da papa e nelle mille altre comparse che possono essere inserite nella commedia; ma alla fine, cioè quando termina la vita, la morte toglie a ciascuno l'abito che lo rendeva diverso dagli altri, e tutti risultano eguali nella sepoltura.

Sancho risponde d'avere già inteso tale paragone che non è poi tanto nuovo. E' come quello del gioco degli scacchi: durante la partita ogni pezzo ha il suo compito, ma quando la partita termina, tutti i pezzi si mescolano e finiscono in una borsa; è lo stesso paragone con la vita che termina nella sepoltura.
I pezzi degli scacchi, nella loro apparente diversità (rappresentazione delle diverse professioni, del diverso stato sociale, della diversa spiritualità) vengono ridotti all'uguaglianza da una sola cosa: la morte. Dal buio della borsa, dove sono conservati (frammisti fra loro: è il caos) fuoriescono nascendo (l'atto di tirarli fuori) vivono una breve vita (il movimento sulla scacchiera) e poi vengono inseriti nuovamente nella borsa buia (muoiono). 
Nascita, morte e rinascita si susseguono e si rincorrono in un perfetto ciclo Ouroboros.

Una patta "tranquilla" : Rapport vs Bacrot

Offriamo la visione di una atipica patta tra GM particolarmente interessante...

Rapport, Richard (2720)    --    Bacrot, Etienne (2719)
Bundesliga 2014-15  (3.1)   Germany GER
2014.11.08 C34

1.e4 e5 2.f4 exf4 3.Cf3 Ce7 4.d4 d5 5.De2 Cg6 6.h4 h5 7.Cc3 c6 8.Ad2 Ae7 9.O-O-O Ag4 10.exd5 O-O 11.dxc6 Cxc6 12.De4 Tc8 13.d5 Cb4 14.a3 Ca6 15.Axa6 bxa6 16.Da4 Cxh4 17.d6 Af6 18.Ce4 Cxf3 19.Aa5 Tb8 20.gxf3 Axb2+ 21.Rd2 Dd7 22.Dxd7 Axd7 23.Txh5 1/2-1/2

giovedì 8 gennaio 2015

Indian Ivory Muslim Pattern Chess Set


mercoledì 7 gennaio 2015

Richard Rapport, nuove idee nelle aperture

Un estroso modo di relazionarsi alla difesa Siciliana da parte del giovane GM ungherese...

Richard Rapport

Rapport, Richard (2720)    --    Donchenko, Alexander (2501)
Bundesliga 2014-15  (1.1)   Germany GER
2014.10.18 B20

1.e4 c5 2.Ca3 g6 3.h4 Ag7 4.h5 

Cc6 5.Ab5 d6 6.d3 Tb8 7.Cc4 e6 8.Df3 e5 9.Ce2 Ae6 10.Ad2 a6 11.Axc6+ bxc6 12.b3 d5 13.Ca5 Tb6 14.c4 Cf6 15.h6 Af8 16.Cc3 Ag4 17.Dg3 dxe4 18.Dxe5+ Ae7 19.Cxe4 O-O 20.Ag5 Dxd3 21.f3 Axf3 22.gxf3 Dxf3 23.Axf6 Dxh1+ 24.Rf2 1-0

martedì 6 gennaio 2015

Triumph die Hypermoderne Schachpartie - 5 - Li Chao vs Tomczak Jacek

GM Li Chao

Li, Chao b (2711)    --    Tomczak, Jacek (2560)
Bundesliga 2014-15  (3.1)   Germany GER
2014.11.08 D71

1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 g6 3.g3 Ag7 4.Ag2 d5 5.cxd5 Cxd5 6.Cf3 Cb6 7.Cc3 Cc6 8.O-O O-O 9.e3 Te8 10.Ch4 

e5 11.d5 Ca5 12.Tb1 e4 13.Cxe4 g5 14.Cxg5 Dxg5 15.b3 Cd7 16.e4 De7 17.Cf5 

Df8 18.Dc2 b6 19.b4 Cb7 20.Dxc7 a5 21.a3 axb4 22.axb4 b5 23.f4 Ta2 24.e5 

Cxe5 25.fxe5 Axf5 26.Txf5 Te7 27.Dc3 Cd6 28.Tg5 h6 29.Tg4 h5 30.Tg5 Txg2+ 31.Rxg2 Ce4 32.Txg7+ Rxg7 33.Dd4 f5 34.d6 Da8 35.Rg1 Ta7 36.d7 1-0

lunedì 5 gennaio 2015

Persian chess pieces

Two Persian chess pieces made of bone, circa 11th century A.D. 

Two square ivory Persian chess pieces, circa 1100 A.D. 
Note the markings to indicate which pieces they were,
although today we do not know which is which.

This Persian chess piece,
circa 11th - 13th century A.D., is made of bone.

domenica 4 gennaio 2015

Scachs d'amor


Fue en el siglo XV y en Valencia cuando aparece por primera vez la dama en un manuscrito Scachs d'amor, en el que figuran composiciones en valenciano y de poetas valencianos. Unos años más tarde, en el 1495 se publica en Valencia y en lengua valenciana el libro del segorbino Francesc Vicent 'Llibre dels jochs partits dels schachs',

Tablero de Alquerque

Tablero de Alquerque de Doce, Catedral de Ourense

sabato 3 gennaio 2015

王晨星 Vs 黑嘉嘉

Una partita di 黑嘉嘉



Shogi al femminile : Ichiyo Shimizu

 Ichiyo Shimizu   清水 市代

(将棋)川上 猛×清水市代 (解説:鈴木大介・千葉涼子) 1 - 3

Dados y Tablas

Libro de Ajedrez, Dados y Tablas de Alfonso X el Sabio, Biblioteca del Monasterios de San Lorenzo Escorial, Madrid (detalle)

venerdì 2 gennaio 2015



This variant from Sápmi, is the best documented version.[22] Carl Linnaeus recorded the rules and a drawing of the board in his journal during his 1732 expedition to Lapland. His description, in Latin, was incomplete, as he did not speak the Sami language of his hosts and described the game only from observing the players.[23] The game was played on a 9×9 mat of embroidered reindeer hide.[24] In his diary, Lachesis Lapponica, Linnaeus referred to the light (defending) pieces as "Swedes" and the dark (attacking) pieces as "Muscovites".[25] What may have been the same game was still being played in the late 19th century, as described in P.A. Lindholm's Hos Lappbönder (1884).[26]

Helmfrid 2005, pp. 10–11, discusses a set of intriguing yet ultimately puzzling riddles related in Hervarar Saga, referring to hnefatafl. Bayless 2005, pp. 15–16, suggests that several archaeological finds in Scandinavia reveal hnefatafl sets that included dice, and discusses controversy over whether the very name tawlbwrdd suggests the throwing of dice.

  1. Helmfrid 2005, p. 2
  2. Helmfrid 2005, p. 3
  3. Bell 1979, p. 78
  4. Smith 1811, p. 56
  5. According to Helmfrid, Lindholm (1884)states, "If there are not cards enough for everyone, it may happen that a few men sit down and play a sort of chess, where the pieces are called Russians and Swedes, and try to defeat each other. Here intense battles are fought, which easily can be observed on the players, who sometimes are so absorbed that they cannot see or hear anything else." Qtd in Helmfrid 2005, p. 5


Sz'Kwa is a sort of primordial variant of go. It's played in southern Taiwan.

An example of the board is given in [ext] here. The game also has a Wikipedia entry [ext] here
The board doesn't really work in sensei's formatting. In the board below, you can play on any of the circled spots. Ignore the black dots.Each player has 20 stones. The rules are as in Go, but the loser is determined either by the smallest number of captures during the game, or by a player running out of stones. Territory is not relevant. Ko repetitions aren't banned in the rules as you eventually run out of stones.