Ludus presenta una partita dove l'estro creativo, la fantasia, la padronanza tecnica di Crust, secondo il nostro avviso, sono mirabilmente rappresentate.
domenica 31 gennaio 2016
sabato 30 gennaio 2016
Go players react to computer defeat - Elizabeth Gibney
Experts think that world champion Lee Sedol may still beat the AI software in a March contest. South Korean students play Go, an ancient Chinese board game popular across Asia. For decades, the ancient game of Go has stood out as the one board game that computers couldn’t crack. Played by tens of millions of people across Asia, its complexity and subtlety meant that Go’s top human players reigned supreme against the advance of artificial intelligence (AI).
Rea more:
venerdì 29 gennaio 2016
Go Baduk Weiqi - Go Commentary : Ke Jie vs Kang Dongyun – 20th LG Cup
This game is from the 20th LG Cup, quarter finals.
It was played between Ke Jie 9p and Kang Dongyun 9p on November 16, 2015, in Gangwon, Korea.
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giovedì 28 gennaio 2016
mercoledì 27 gennaio 2016
Russian Go Federation
The History of Go in Russia, 2003
Published under the permission of the author – Alexey Lazarev. About the author: Alexey Lazarev is 11-time Russian champion, 2-time European champion.
Perhaps, the first literary mentioning about Go in Russia appeared in
the beginning of the XX-th century (1902 – Encyclopaedia edited by F.
Brockhaus and I. Efron). Go was named “oblavnie shashki” (battue
draughts) then. In 1914 an unknown author published a brochure with the
game rules description. From that time and until the early sixties
nobody noticed any significant mentions about Go activity in Russia.
In 1962 Postnikov M.M. – a Russian Academician and some others
mathematicians from Moscow published an article about Go in the journal
“Yuniy technik” (“Young technician” in English). This journal was
extremely popular among senior schoolchildren. However we can state that
the real birth of Go in Russia happened in 1965. At that very time a Go
enthusiast Youriy Filatov created the first Go club in Leningrad (the
old name of Saint-Petersburg). The Go club was under patronage of the
Central Leningrad Chess Club. There were quite favorable conditions for
Go promotion then. A year later the number of Go circles and Go clubs in
Leningrad increased immensely. Many big Go tournaments were organized.
Few hundreds of participants took part in some of them. The results of
Go activities were so great that it made impossible for local
authorities to ignore it. In 1968 Leningrad Sport Committee even planned
to support some of Go events.
Read more:ì 26 gennaio 2016
Rating Top 10 players, January 2016 World Tafl Federation
Dal sito della WTF
2049 Plantagenêt, Champagne-Ardennes, FR (326)
1992 altti, ny, usa (862)
1991 Adam, Tønsberg, Norway (601)
1970 nath, Berlin, Germany (277)
1961 Schachus, Berlin, Germany (69)
1893 Sigurd, Pennsylvania, Vinland (51)
1834 Herjan, Formby, UK (47)
1807 arne64, Hamburg, Germany (466)
1767 OdinHimself, Kyustendil, Bulgaria (89)
1763 animals, Peterborough, UK (259)
I numeri tra parentesi sono relativi alle partite giocate nel sito della World Tafl Federation
lunedì 25 gennaio 2016
domenica 24 gennaio 2016
sabato 23 gennaio 2016
venerdì 22 gennaio 2016
mercoledì 20 gennaio 2016
martedì 19 gennaio 2016
lunedì 18 gennaio 2016
domenica 17 gennaio 2016
sabato 16 gennaio 2016
Go Baduk Weiqi : Yamada Noriyoshi vs SyaIimin
第57回囲碁 1-1 山田規喜(YamadaNoriyoshi)vs謝(SyaIimin) IGO
57th NHK Igo Tournament 1st game of 1st round
venerdì 15 gennaio 2016
Scacchi in Russia : Ilya Makoveev [Илья Маковеев]
C.M. ma crediamo ancor per poco...
giovedì 14 gennaio 2016
Proverbi scacchistici
Vi è un solo Matto dell'Imbecille ma in compenso vi è un gran numero di Imbecilli che pensano di giocare a Scacchi.

mercoledì 13 gennaio 2016
Scacchi e matte risate! Williams vs Nakamura
Il simpaticisssimo G.M. Williams commenta con grande ironia le sue disavventure blitz con Nakamura...

martedì 12 gennaio 2016
domenica 10 gennaio 2016
Shogi: inizio partita - Sato Yasumitsu vs Moriuchi Toshiyuki - versione breve 【短尺版】

Moriuchi Toshiyuki
【将棋・取材映像】 第65期 王将戦 挑戦者決定リーグ戦 佐藤康光九段 vs 森内俊之九段 対局開始 【短尺版】
sabato 9 gennaio 2016
venerdì 8 gennaio 2016
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