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lunedì 11 febbraio 2013

The incredible adventures of a chess player (3)

Cebalo - Basman
Rimnica 1979 Borg Defence A10

1.c4 g5 2.d4 h6 3.Cc3 d6 4.g3 Ag7 5.h4 g4 6.e4 c5 7.d5 h5 8.Cge2 Cd7 9.Cf4 Axc3+ 10.bxc3 Cgf6 11.Dc2 Da5 12.Tb1 Ce5 13.Ae2 b6 14.Tb3 Da4 15.Cd3 Cf3+ 16.Axf3 gxf3 17.e5 Cg4 18.Cb2 Dd7 19.exd6 exd6 20.De4+ De7 21.Dxe7+ Rxe7 22.Ae3 Af5 23.Rd2 Rd7 24.Te1 Rc7 25.a4 The8 26.Ta3 a5 27.Taa1 Te4 28.Tac1 Tae8 29.Cd3 Txc4 30.Ag5 Txe1 31.Txe1 Txa4 32.Te7+ Rc8 33.Cc1 Ag6 34.Te8+ Rb7 35.Te7+ Ra6 36.Td7 Cxf2 37.Re3 Cg4+ 0-1

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