Tigran Petrosian
Fridrik Olafsson -- Tigran Petrosian
Bled (11) Bled YUG
1961.09.19 Francese C16
Notes by Raymond Keene.
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Cc3 Ab4 4.e5 Dd7 5.Dg4 f5 6.Dg3 b6 7.h4 Ab7
8.Ad3 Cc6 9.Ce2 O-O-O 10.Ad2 Ch6 11.a3 Ae7 12.Ab5? Tdg8 13.Dd3 Cf7
14.O-O-O Rb8 15.Cf4 Dc8 16.Cce2 Ccd8
17.Db3? ( Better 17 c3 c5 18
Kb1. ) 17...c6 18.Ad3 c5 19.dxc5 Axc5 20.Ch3 Cxe5 21.Af4 Cf7 22.Ab5 Ra8 23.Cd4
Cg6! (With the awkward
threat of 24...e5. )24.Da4 Axd4 25.Ad7 Df8 26.Txd4 e5 27.Tb4 exf4 28.Txb6 Cfe5 29.Txb7
Rxb7 30.h5 Dd6 31.hxg6 Dxd7 32.Dxf4 Cxg6 Nimzowitsch would have approved, in
particular, of Petrosian's delayed ...c5, and also of the
effect that this move then had on White's position. The reader
might also like to compare this more recent case, proving that
even world champions are not immune to this strategy. 0-1
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